... Flock Together

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After she had taken back her starry form in the heavens, she was still ever closer to the ones she helped rescue. Once again, she was strong enough to instill hope in them even when afar. She could plainly hear and could plainly see the rescued magical memory beginning to grow and flourish. Another healed heart was pure music to her ears. There was one song that would be able to set it all aflame. Indeed, there was so much more than just mere appearance. A lost memory, now found, was now beginning to truly open his eyes for the first time.
During the meanwhile, changes were becoming more and more apparent.
Those caught in the crossfire, they had no choice.
*Along the way, Sarah did not know what to expect when she would step back home again. Honestly, to her, it was awfully weird, after becoming so used to such things as magic and beyond her own understanding of how this new world worked. Some things left her frazzled, still. Even as to earn something that was beyond her own imagination. An enchanting advantage of her own in the form of a friend of hers. There was no turning back now, with those precious promises she had made to him at the very start.

Now she knew the feeling her Mom always felt whenever she did anything stupid, like... running into the road. She did that once, chasing after a ball when she was five years old. To her, Dreamer was going too high! Yet, it did her a great honor to see him so happy and so free... Her worry soon began to die, the higher he seemed to get. Sarah could almost believe that he would be gone for good though. Yet, he needed this.

He needed to do this! As far as his own thoughts could fly. There was always a calling for him, something huge and something so amazing that he couldn't even contain the excitement! It was something he thought he knew, yet did it really happen? All the reason why he felt so wrong all the time, and so slow to trust others. There was a song... Joy, the dearest fairy, would sing it to him in private, yet he couldn't pinpoint just why it seemed so familiar before.

Bing Bing...
Bing Bong...
Who is your friend...
Who likes to play...?
Bing Bong... Bing Bong

His Rocket makes you yell "Hurray!"

No... That wasn't. Something was wrong. That wasn't who he was now... He didn't need anything else other than these wings... Not a rocket that no longer could fly. Of what felt so helpless before, it was going away!Who's the best in ev'ry way?
And wants to sing this song to say...
Bing Bong!
Of what had used to have, it had to mean something, yet it was all just noise to him. His name was Dreamer. He was a dreamer... therefore, he needed a new song. He was encouraged to keep moving. Looking back was no longer an option, as tempting as it was. He remembered the horror, sadness, and terrible yearning sadness that he could not explain to himself. The only thing he had to keep close was the beautiful golden light, high above him. He had a very strong feeling that whatever happened was only meant to be. All that mattered was that he was here now... rescued, growing... and becoming something great! Surrounded by others who cared about him. It was all the hope he needed! His thoughts ran wild onto what else he could do! As to why he never thought of any of this before? He was baffled by it!

As far as Dreamer's own imagination went, his own forms could do the same. He remembered the feeling of flight and that inspired him to change... Also, he was part cat.
Part elephant...

Getting an idea, Dreamer began to experiment on his own... landing upon one of the tops of one of the topiary statues of a laughing dragon. Sarah was running along to follow him, but she noticed that her path was being lit up. The lush looking grass seemed to have its own light... and the air became warmer. She looked up, however, where that bird had landed only to see the topiary dragon look healthier than before as small flowers began to sprout from its head to all the way down to its toes.

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