It All Started....

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... with a mouse.
A mere thought, nameless. A thought which soon grew into something that would never be forgotten. Disney is thought of as just a money industry now, no longer concerned with the educational and hopeful lessons it was intended for. Walter, the founder, is almost being forgotten... being blocked out by greed and politics. This is not what he wanted, yet there is hope.

He showed that a mere idea can grow and become something fantastic. Just a doodle of a mouse... became a hero of many stories, helping to show the good in things and in life. From that worlds were created, beautiful, colorful, vast. From the mouse to storytelling by visuals, one after another and it seemed that each idea was greater than the last!

The kind of animation Walt Disney came up with opened doors for not only his company but for many others. From drawings on paper to the mere click of a computer, studios now are able to create countless worlds that would make ours envious. The brilliant world of JRR Tolkien could be brought to the big screen. Author's are able to see their own characters jump out of their pages.

Just think about that. For a moment. Movies, we seem to take for granted. But if you take a look closer, you'll realize that the impossible can come true.... You never see a spaceship fly over you every day, or a grand castle mounted upon the peak of a mountain. There's no such thing as giant eagles, or fairies.... Dogs certainly don't talk.

Seems ridiculous, huh?

Perhaps, there are some ridiculous ideas put forth using animation.The things we see on television just blind us with idiotic humor, both light and vulgar, but then there's no other purpose. It's just to fight off boredom of a mundane lifestyle for just a few seconds. The more people watch, the more dull they become. They don't learn lessons.... Just mindless humor.

But amidst the raunchy language and disrespect in some shows, there are a few moments worth seeing. Family Guy, one well known character gets killed and his best friend goes to great limits to get him back. That was a hopeful come back. A nice idea to throw in. It's something Disney would have done. But it was short lived.

But nothing can outdo what Disney can when it comes to actual stories, with characters you can truly relate to. Some say Disney has a dark side and some say they teach bad lessons. But perhaps people just over think. When Disney worked hard on Snow White, there was no intention of sending bad messages to the audience. He wanted to create an enchanted world using new technology to bring the old story to life on a whole new level. He succeeded. It was a sensation when it came to the big screen.

Next was the story of Bambi which held true innocence, sorrow and bravery... speaking of how some would give their lives for you without a second thought. Love.

In Snow White and Pinocchio, when a loved one is in great danger, they drop what they are doing and go to your side.

Walt's drive in his animations was love. It's not always the True Love's kiss cliche, but the stories revolve around what love truly is.

He was creative by taking dark stories and brightening them up. Snow White was tracked down by a murderer. In Pinocchio, potential forced slavery of children and the character Pinocchio alone was a selfish, ignorant sort. In Bambi, it is the life of a deer and how they see man and what they would do just to survive. Each story he chose were very dark and perhaps too dark to even try to animate. It was brilliant as to how he did it. In a way, Walt was trying to prove that even in the darkest times in our lives, there is always a light. The friends we have, the families we are blessed with. You are never alone.

Sleeping Beauty; (despite True Love's Kiss cliches) who would go through Hell just to go make sure you were all right? Maleficent's blockade's did not make him give up.

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