A Stressful Day

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It was morning now.

Not that she was celebrating but she was truly wanting to impress her teachers today. The year was coming short and even now, there was still so much to be done. As Sarah Jackson began to get ready for school, she checked her computer for a small time.

Of the video she watched late last night, it was still up on the browser. She was able to see the name of the uploader.


It was quite an interesting name. It seemed hooked to the video itself. But she shook out of it and quit the browser prior to going and making her quick breakfast. Her father had already left for work which left her to do her usual walk to the school. The bus, she truly hated taking it for there was this one girl who enjoyed to run her over with sharp insults. There was always that. That was why she was so worried about not being good enough this year. She wanted to graduate in the fall next year. To get out of this school once and for all and try to work toward what she wanted.

Did she want this though? Her constant worry was that she would change her mind when she would be further down that road. Her teenage angst drove her insane at times like this. She just wanted to be good enough.

It was later at school when she started to stress out a little more. Everyone was expected to go up in front of the class to present their topics. Sarah sighed, not feeling all too ready to just share it, mainly because it wasn't ready to share. She wasn't even sure of what exactly she was going to write. She wanted to prove that Walt was more than what people believed other than just an industry founder... But...

"Sarah Jackson? You're up next." spoke up Mr. Hetcherson and it surprised her.

She blinked, feeling a little intimidated by the stares.

She drew in a sigh and got up. She took a moment or two.

"...um... hi. Um, I am Sarah and... I-I would like to do my research paper on Walt Disney."

She expected everyone to complain, but it wasn't all that bad. Only one boy, who annoyed her the most, scoffed. His name was Arthur. Mr. Hetcherson scribbled something down upon his roster and smiled at Sarah.

"Good job, Sarah. Now, do you have all your sources planned out or ...?"

"...n-not really, but I..."

"No one cares, Jackie!" Arthur laughed out.

She sighed, intensely before the boy was shut up.

"Arthur! One more time and it's detention. You may sit back down, Sarah. Good job."

She sighed once again and sat back down, a little uncomfortable still. Two weeks still felt too short of time. Her teacher seemed to be happy about it. But still, she needed to get her research faster now.

But that wasn't where things got worse. It basically started during lunch.

She was doing about her usual thing, by leaving her locker open for a second to get something out of her bag. It was something she should have foretold for herself when that same young man from the class prior was coming down the hall with two others.

He smirked when he spotted Sarah. He reached out to her locker door and merely whacked it shut.

She nearly got her arm hit by the metal door. She glared at the boy, who was now laughing as if he saw something truly priceless. Arthur. Did he truly expect her to not put up with this anymore? Trying to be patient, she did her combination again and opened the locker to put her books inside.

She was doing her best today, although none of what she expected was happening. She wasn't sure what to write, none of her friends seemed to be around today and Arthur was being as annoying as ever. But her Dad taught her some patience to say the least and she knew days would get better.

But wow! Wasn't she grouchy today.

After she walked out to the court to eat her lunch, she sat down upon a step watching the many other students goofing off and chatting all around. She took a couple bites from her sandwich before she thought she saw a gold glimmer in the grass in front of her. Before she could go and grab it, someone's foot stepped in front of it. A girl of eleven years with long hair with two of her bangs tied back. Freckles speckled her face and she had a smile.

"Hey." came the girl's voice and Sarah finally smiled. "...where have you been all day?"

"Oh! Uh, hi Kate." Sarah smiled at her. "Just trying to find out what to write..."

"You mean that paper? We have two weeks."

"I know. It seems too short to me. I don't know why I am so nervous."

"...oh. But, hey... do you wanna come sit with us?"

"Hm... I guess." Sarah agreed. "You guys don't mind?"

At least there was some good happening today. Kate had been absent for two days because of something. Either it was medical or not, no, she chose to not bother. So Sarah gathered her lunch into her pail and walked along with Kate.

"So, what do you want to write about?"

"...everyone keeps teasing me about it, but I want to write about Walt Disney."


"...but not just about him though. Just to tell people that he was a good man, but I keep reading about all this weird stuff about him."

"Like what?"

"...just things like... he was a racist and he discriminated against people in his cartoons and all that."

"People have been making videos about those messages in those movies-"

"Exactly... Dad got mad at me about that." Sarah laughed. "But... I just want to know the truth. I don't think he was ever a bad person... There was this one a video though. It was about him and his life. I never knew he smoked though."

"I'm sure there's some good stuff out there."

"Yeah... So, where have you been? I haven't seen you for two days..."

"Hm... Mom needed help at home." Kate stated, not seeming wanting to talk about it.

"Oh... How is she?"


Sarah smiled at her, relieved to know that things were a little better.

"...can I come over to your house after school?" Sarah offered.

"It sounds like fun!" Kate cheered right up then.

Even with all the rowdy cheers and screams of the other children around the school yard, something or someone was watching the two below, sitting on the steps. Hiding in the grass previously was probably not the wisest....

"Okay!" Sarah cheered up too. "I'm sure Daddy won't mind."

She was glad Kate was fine. Her mother suffered from diabetes, of what she had been told and had bouts of fainting. She was sure Kate wasn't happy at home as of late. Having a friend over might help a little.

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