The Principal Characters

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MISS ANNABETH CHASE, a genteel  young lady of much wit, virtue, and spirit  (based on Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice.)

LIEUTENANT PERSEUS JACKSON, a dashing and chivalrous young officer in the navy; Annabeth's ideal match (based on Fitzwilliam Darcy from Pride and Prejudice.)

LORD JASON GRACE, MARQUIS OF SKYE, son and heir of the Duke of Olympus; a rich and eligible young gentleman looking for a wife (based on Charles Bingley from Pride and Prejudice)

MISS PIPER MCLEAN, the close friend, and confidant of Annabeth Chase; charming and headstrong, being courted by Lord Skye (based on Jane Bennet from Pride and Prejudice.)

MISS HAZEL LEVESQUE,  the shy and dutiful natural (illegitimate) daughter of Mr. Hades Di Angelo; befriended by Miss Chase and Miss Mclean (based on Fanny Price from Mansfield Park and Jane Fairfax from Emma.)

MR. ZHANG FAI (FRANK), a Chinese manservant in the employ of the Olympus family; steadfast and honorable.

MASTER NICO DI ANGELO,  son, and heir of the Di Angelo Family and Hazel Levesque's half-brother;  a moody and temperamental young man who struggles to fit in with polite society.

MR. WILLIAM SOLACE, an eccentric hermit who lives on the Olympus estate; good-natured and kind. 

MISS CALYPSO TITAN, a rich heiress from the West Indies; refined, talented, and generous.

MR. LEO VALDEZ, an apprentice blacksmith; high spirited, mischievous, and flirtatious.

DONA REYNA AVILA RAMIREZ-ARELLANO,  a rich and haughty Spanish noblewoman; sent to England as a potential bride for Lord Skye (her closest Austen equivalent would be Caroline Bingley from Pride and Prejudice)

MR. LUKE CASTELLAN,  A humble but charming soldier; has some grievances against Lord Skye and Lieutenant Jackson (based on George Wickham from Pride and Prejudice.)

LADY THALIA GRACE, Lord Skye's oldest sister; an independent young lady, known for refusing many suitors (based on Georgiana Darcy from Pride and Prejudice.)

MISS RACHEL DARE, a rich but sickly heiress, and the favored contender to become Mrs. Perseus Jackson (based on Anne de Bourgh from Pride and Prejudice.)

MR. FREDERICK CHASE,  Annabeth's father;  a respectable and well-educated gentleman with a sharp wit (based on Mr. Bennet from Pride and Prejudice)

MRS. ATHENA CHASE,  Frederick Chase's wife, and Annabeth's mother; a wise and refined lady.

LORD ZEUS GRACE, DUKE OF OLYMPUS, the father of Lord Skye and Lady Thalia Grace; notorious in London for his drinking, gambling, and whoring.

LADY HERA GRACE, DUCHESS OF OLYMPUS, Lord Olympus's jealous and bitter wife and the mother of Lord Skye and Lady Thalia Grace.

SIR TRISTAN MCLEAN, the father of Piper McLean.

LADY APHRODITE MCLEAN, Sir Tristan's wife and the mother of Piper Mclean; an incorrigible gossip and matchmaker (based on Mrs. Bennet from Pride and Prejudice and Mrs. Jennings from Sense and Sensibility.)

MR. HADES DI ANGELO, father to Master Nico Di Angelo and Miss Hazel Levesque; a wealthy landowner known for being gloomy and standoffish.

MRS. PERSEPHONE DI ANGELO, Mr. Di Angelo's much younger second wife, and stepmother to Nico and Hazel.

MISS SILENA BEAUREGARD, Lady Mclean's daughter from a previous marriage; shares her mother's love of matchmaking  (based on Emma Woodhouse from Emma).

MR. CHARLES BEAUREGARD, Miss Beauregard's betrothed.

MR CHIRON BRUNNER, loyal and dignified butler to the Olympus family.

MR GROVER UNDERWOOD, faithful servant to Lieutenant Jackson.

MR OCTAVIAN AUGER, an odious and pedantic clergyman with few social graces (based on Mr. Collins from Pride and Prejudice.)

A/N I am hopefully going to start work on the this story in September, after I've used the rest of the summer to finish The Blonde and the Bootlegger and Hey, Little Song Bird. This is meant to be a sneak peek.
If you are not familiar with Pride and Prejudice or any of the other work of Jane Austen, I suggest you stop reading this garbage and educate yourself 😉😁
bigshmiles  bellaschneeb  chestnutia

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