chapter 7

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Elena's POV

I woke early today because I want to see Sarah before she leaves. I escorted her to the airport and hugged her. I got to the office and remembered what Sarah told before she left.

"El, I'm going to miss you so much , but promise me one thing " She said crying. "and that is? I asked. " Promise me that you will be happy and call me frequently . And one more thing if you don't find any apartment to stay please come and stay with us and also don't ever cry , hope you understand me". "Yes mummy" I said laughing.

I pull out of my thoughts and began working. It was lunch time and I usually go and eat with Thomas. I called him but the devil came and insist that I go to lunch with him because of my curiosity about him I didn't reject him. So I apologized to Thomas that today I can't go with him. I got into his car and he drove off. I was surprised when he stopped the car in front of a fancy restaurant, he parked and we got out of the car. He held my hand tight because I was trying to pull out my hands. After we were done eating and got back to the company.

Finally, I closed from work and I felt exhausted. I really need to a massage I murmured to myself. How I wish Sarah was here. I got home and found my things out the house. I cried and went to the landlord to question why he threw my things my outside. The landlord insulted me and was about to slap me on the face but someone punched him. I raised my head to look at the person and I saw him. I cried and cried but he was there comforting me. He took my things and put them in his car. "Angel, you are going to stay with me from now me and am not taking no for an answer" He said with serious face. "Are you crazy? Why should I go and live with you? Mister please I am not going to your house so you better stop the car right now! " I yelled. He didn't mind me and continued to driving. So I shouted again "why are you so concerned about me! ". "Because I am in love with you" He said with full of emotions.

Xavier POV
After I admitted my feelings to her, she became speechless. I know that she doesn't feel the same but I will make her mine.
We reached my Penthouse and I asked one of the security men to bring her bags. I held her hand but she didn't protest. I was a bit shocked. She became quite and not even looking at my face. She has bowed her head down. When we got into the elevator I hugged her tightly but she didn't hugged me back, I know that she's ignoring me because of what happened in the car. We entered my house and showed her room still she wasn't looking looking me. I went to her room again and called her so that we can have dinner. During dinner she didn't talk, she wasn't eating either. I felt bad because I brought her here against her will. "Angel sorry for everything, I will allow you to leave if you want to. I know that you don't feel the same way about me. I'm sorry for being selfish , I promise to find you an apartment so that you can leave. I was hoping that you felt the same way about me but I was wrong I was rather forcing myself on you. I'm really sorry for everything. Spend the night here and leave tomorrow. " I got up to leave after my long speech . She stopped me and stood in front of me. She tip toed to kiss me on my lips.

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