Chapter 6 Dust

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"Dust powder?" I asked her wondering what the heck it was.
"Yes, this." She said holding up a vile of what looks like red powder.
"So this is dust powder what does it look like in its raw form." I said.
"It looks like crystals." She said showing me red crystals.

So if I'm assuming correctly my mother was probably injected with powdered dust. I decided to try it out I went outside walked to the courtyard I closed my eyes and focused on my aura. When I opened my eyes I was glowing all different colors.

"Wow, you have a special aura I've never seen one like that."
I turned around to see a girl with red hair and green eyes I recognized who it was.
"OMG!!!! your pumpkin Pete girl." I said.
"Yes hi, my name is Pyrrha Nikos." She said.
"Hi I'm Star and I'm new to all of this." I said with a fake laugh.
"Ohh ok, do you know what your semblance is." Pyrrha said.
"What's a semblance is it important." I asked.
"Your semblance is like a muscle the more you practice with it, the stronger it will become semblance is the manifestation of one's innate and personal power as an ability unique to each individual, with the effects varying greatly from user to user. The nature of one's semblance is noted as representing an aspect of their character. However, a person's semblance can be similar to the semblances of their parents or other family members." Pyrrha explained detail by detail.
I just realized I don't know anything about my real parents I need to ask Ozpin.
"Sorry thank you for the explanation but I have to go." I said running towards the school to find Professor Ozpin I need to know what my semblance is and about my parents.
"I found you." I said out of breath I feel like I just ran through the entire school.
"Yes indeed you did is something wrong, Miss Fire, you look troubled." Ozpin said.
Miss Fire why was he addressing me like that I'm not married.
"Huh please call me Star its what I'm used to besides Miss Fire is too weird." I said.
"Ok, Star is there something I can help you with." He said.
"Yes, there is I want to know about my parents and their semblance can you tell me please." I asked desperately.

"Okay very well then you already know your mothers' semblance was storing dust and your father his semblance was time freeze. He could freeze time I don't exactly know how long he could freeze time but when I first saw him use I thought he teleported." Ozpin said.

No ones POV

"We're surrounded." Luna said.

"What do we do now that we are surrounded, my fearless leader." Elena said.

"Now is not the time for your sarcastic remarks okay we just have to hold them off until backup arrives." Max said.

"Yeah we can do this we're team MELT the strongest freshmen team at beacon and we have the greatest leader who I believe can get us through this so show some respect, Elena." Thor said.

"I'm not the one with the man crush he's not a god he's human just like the rest of us." Elena said.

"WHAT how dare you, Max, is nothing like us he is perfect, unlike a certain snarky and sarcastic girl I know." Thor said while staring at the leader he admired.

"Excuse me why don't you say that to my face." Elena said.


There was Grimm everywhere they just wouldn't let up just when all hope was lost Ozpin and Glynda arrived.

They were the toughest two seniors at beacon but even they were overwhelmed by the massive amount of Grimm it was too much for even them to handle.


Max looked over to Ozpin to see him on the ground and a Beowolf charging right for him. Max was getting ready to use his semblance.

"I need to use It nows the time but the longest I can do it for is 1 to 2 minutes long enough to get to Ozpin." Max whispered to himself.

Max activated his semblance and ran towards Ozpin to get in front of him and kill the Grimm that was 5 feet away from killing Ozpin. When he got in front of Ozpin he deactivated his semblance and sliced the beowolf in half.

"Max what just happened how did you do that can you teleport." Ozpin said.

"No I used my semblance I can freeze time but not for long right now I can do it for two minutes at first it only lasted a couple seconds so I've been training a lot so I can use it better." Max said.

"Thank you-you just saved my life." Ozpin said.

            END OF FLASHBACK

Stars POV

"Thanks to your father we were able to defeat the Grimm and from that day on we were best friends." Ozpin said.

"Wow, that's so cool so whats my semblance." I said with star filled eyes.

"I don't know you'll find out when you unlock your semblance now let us go its time to get going." Ozpin said.

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed i and please like and comment and have a good day.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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