"Yes Mom! Bye Mrs. Tatu!"

"Please come for coffee later," she gives me her award winning puppy eyes making me instantly walk away from her before they forced me to stay. "No can do! Have a shift at the coffee bar today," she sighs and slowly nods her head still giving me the eyes, "Not going to work Tatu!" I watch as her tall elegant body retrieves back into the house leaving the front door open on purpose, "Im not coming Tatu!"

I manage to carry all the five bags of groceries while gracefully walking to the front door. Gracefully in this context consisted of a half crooked walk and a girl struggling to carry all five bags with no help from the man reading his newspaper on the poach about 5 centimeters away; I was walking very gracefully indeed. The Queen of England should come and take lessons from me.

I dump the bags  in front of the door with a huge sigh, which doesn't catch my dad's attention . I sigh louder and he chuckles but pretends to be unfazed. "Hey Bambi," he whispers behind his newspaper. "H. E. L. P! Spells help your poor child carry these in!" I point towards the heavy bags laying by the door. Why does she even need so much groceries!?

"It actually spells help! Not help your poor child carry these in! I thought you won the spelling bee when you were eight" I smile as my dad walks towards me and places a soft kiss on my head.

"You know you two should stop treating me like a baby, Im 24! Soon Im gonna get a boyfriend- dad don't you dare scare him!" I point towards the blonde men with a serious face. Dads one of those overprotective dads, like more overprotective then my arab friends dad. I've had only two boyfriends since I was born and they've all managed to run away with the same excuse; Your Dad scares me!

"You have a shift at the coffee Bar today, want me to drop you there?" He completely ignores my warning, and changes the topic, which was his profession.

"Of Course blondie!"


I should have driven myself, I am very capable yet the blondie persisted that he drove me because he "loved me so much" when in reality he just didn't want me damaging his car any more. My dads driving skills were the worst! Mine were better even though I had a prosthetic. I was never going to be used to all the sudden stops that make you fly off your seat all the way towards the bonnet, and the continuous yelling and cursing even though I've had to endure it my whole life.

"Darling- You Stupid Father of all Fucktards! You should try - I swear I dont even know how you got a license - decreasing the number - This is why donkeys should never be on the road - Too many shifts darling!" I did understand him through all the cursing and yelling pause the lecture, etc. I still understood him, maybe I was used to this chaotic driving of his.

"Dad... I was thinking..." he glances over at me very quickly, raising his eyebrows which were silently telling me to continue with my sentence before cursing at a poor man again. "I should move into my own place, I feel like Im being a burden to you and mom," he slams the brake furiously and snaps his head towards me, his hair falling all over his face.


"Yeah... um there is this place just across like three streets and Um.... Its very cheap and I can afford it," I refuse to look at his eyes, too afraid to look at his expression. "No," just like that he slams his leg on the accelerator and we fly again. "What!? Dad Im 24! Im legal! Im supposed to have my own apartment! Im too dependent on you and mom!" This time he scoffs but doesn't look at me, "Dependent!? Says the girl who doesn't want any help from us! And has like ten jobs and still wants more because she doesn't want to be a burden to us," he emphasizes on the last bit. "Dad, I promise I will come to meet you everyday! Every morning! Every Night! Its not even that far!" He sighs and shakes his head, curses at a guy, gave them the middle finger and looked back at me again with a sad expression.

Royally Flawsome ♛Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora