Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Micah and I were leaving this afternoon.
The days had come and gone quicker than I anticipated.

I was still numb from the whole 'Callum finding out' thing and doubted that I'd feel any different anytime soon.

Hannah and Mikey had been amazing support for me. There were nights where I'd wake up crying because of a nightmare or for reasons I could not explain.

Micah would spend most of his time in our room keeping an eye on me, probably because I was such a mess that I didn't want to go anywhere.

Callum still hadn't called or texted and as time passed, bitterness towards him grew.
Yes I hid something from him, yes I did those sexual things while we were together, but ignoring me like I was nobody?

That is not okay.

If you hurt a person you have no right to decide how they heal, I know that; but he's hurting someone as well.
He's killing me.

"What're you thinking about girly?" Hannah asks me.

We were currently walking to Meat and Greet hall for a last lunch together before we both leave for the summer.
She had once decided to stay on campus and work but figured that she would see Haasith more, so she decided against it.

I sigh. "Honestly Han, I'm thinking about him again. And yes I know, if he's not doing anything then I shouldn't either but apart of me stings because I thought I meant more to him.

I thought that our relationship was meaningful and special, but from the obvious lack of communication, I can see that I was wrong."

Now it's her turn to sigh while strolling beside me. Meat and Greet comes into view as we near the two grand double doors.

Before we enter, she hooks an arm through mine and squeezes it warmly.

"It's okay to think about him, that's normal. Heck, you loved the guy for crying out loud.

But where you go wrong is basing your mood or the outcome of your day on wether he contacts you or not.

Try to forget about him right now and focus on our last day together till August, okay?"

Once again, she breathes nothing but the truth and words that are meant to heal.
Sometimes I don't want to hear the truth but each time she dishes it out with no apology and I love her for it.

"Hannah, you're my best friend," I breathe.

She's surprised at first and is stunned into silence, but as her eyes glass over I could tell just how elated she was.

"You're my best friend too Veah."

She pulls me into a firm hug where we laugh and shed a tear or two over our next level of friendship.
In the middle of it, our stomachs make their presence known and we separate chuckling.

"Come on, let's get some food already." I link my arm with hers once more.

As usual, the dining hall was full, but you could also tell that some people had left already because it wasn't filled to its capacity.

We immediately head for the shortest food line which happened to be Chic-Fil- A.
Satisfied with our orders we stood off to the side, talking and laughing while waiting for our numbers to be called.

While we discussed which beaches we were going to visit, she mutters a quick swear word under her breath.

"Damn. Neveah, maybe we should just go to the café instead. You love muffins," she blubbers quickly, tugging on my hand.

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