Chapter Eight

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I must admit that the food tasted even better the second time around. As Micah, Elijah and I all sat with our hands on our protruding stomachs, we grinned in satisfaction at the meal we just devoured.

"Remind me to come here more often will you?" Elijah says to nobody in particular.

"Yeah, they're THAT good", Micah chuckles. "What time is it guys?"
Quickly pulling out my phone, I check the time on my home screen.

"Two o clock, why?" I ask.

"There was suppose to be some sort of concert thing on campus in a little bit; I was planning on checking it out", he says while motioning to our waiter for the bill.

"But I thought you weren't feeling well", I look at him with concern etched into my facial features.

"I will say, I'm not one hundred percent, but I do feel better than this morning. Besides, a good ol' day in the sun will do me good", he smiles at me reassuringly.

"Okay, if you say so", I respond.
As the guys paid for the bill, I stood up and headed out to the truck to wait for them; shortly after, they come out of the restaurant and hop inside, with Micah driving us back to campus.

The courtyard was setup with an enormous stage in the center, a sea of people all gathered around it and cheering out to the band that was now playing; I've never heard of the Rattlers before but they sure did sound great.
Micah and Elijah split off together to find their friends as Hannah found me at the back of the crowd.

"We'll all meet up at Meat and Greet for dinner yeah?" Micah had said before wandering off.

Hannah and I were sat atop two newsstands, watching the concert and snapchatting it every once in a while.
She even got down and danced while a couple guys stop to watch her until I made them move along; hanging with Hannah was the best.

We visited a couple of the tents they had set up around the place; we stopped at the first one and got fake matching infinity tattoos, then at the second tent we got cotton candy.
At the third, they had a ring toss game which Hannah pulled me into playing; it so happened that Callum was manning this tent along with some other blonde guy I've never seen.

"Hey there sunshine, you want to take a go at it?" He smiles at me, his fire colored hair falling into his eyes.

"I'm not very good at this but I'll try", I smile back, ignoring Hannah whose giving me the eye beside me.

He hands me three red rings and tells me to start whenever I was ready.

Taking a deep breathe, I steady my nervous hand and throw the first ring which bounces off the side of one bottle.
I throw the second and it doesn't even go near the bottles as my face reddens in embarrassment. The last ring I tossed, hit exactly over the top of one bottle, but unfortunately decided to lean the opposite way I wanted it to and fell off the table.

"Oohhh, you'll get them next time", Callum assures me.

"Um, I don't think we're playing again. Thanks though", I say waving at him as Hannah begins to tug my arm.

We walk a couple steps away before Callum shouts something to me.

"Wait!" I hear him call out.

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