Chapter Two

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"When you look at a field of dandelions you can either see a hundred weeds or a hundred wishes".

The words I read off some quote from Pinterest tumble over and over again inside my mind as I couldn't help but wish I had that many wishes when I was thirteen.

I would have wished for a better life, or at least a biological brother or sister, so I wouldn't have gone through what I did all alone. I would have wished that my parents were still alive today.

One rainy Tuesday night when an idiotic drunk driver decided to speed on slippery roads took them away from me. I'd never forget the abandoned feeling that seared it's way through my gut as I stood by their gravesite after the funeral. I immediately knew I was alone in the world as soon as their caskets were lowered into the earth. After that day, my life was never the same.


The tears flew endlessly down my puffy face, as I made no attempt to wipe them away. The Volkswagen I was in jolted up and down every now and again as it rolled over several potholes on the road back to my "Aunt's" house. Technically, she wasn't biologically related to me, but she was a close friend of my mothers' and I had no other relative to contact. I felt her lean arms wrap around me pulling me into a side hug, comforting me as best as she could.

"Everything's going to be alright hun' just you watch", she smiled down at me.

I wanted to believe her, as I look up into her heart-shaped face painted articulately with makeup.

Her ruby red lips curved up into a smile once more, while her golden curls bounced with movement from the ride.

"O-okay", I sniffed.

I wanted to believe her, but I knew I couldn't. Not when everyone I loved was now gone.


I shake the memory out of my head, focusing on finding my textbook for class this morning. If I had a hundred wishes back then, I would have wished I wasn't so stupid as to trust her.

I should have known it was too good to be true; everyone that really cared about me was six feet under.
The only good thing that came out of living with her, was going to the high school where I met Micah; even back then he was the popular kid.

When no one else wanted to befriend the new girl, he popped right up next to me and started our budding friendship from there. Thank God for him and the Daxons who took me on like I was their own; I have not the slightest clue where I would be right now if it wasn't for them.

My thick 'Art of the 1900's' textbook peeked out at me from beneath my bed, as I bent down to retrieve it. How it got there I have no idea but I was in too much of a hurry to find out.

My first class was about to start in ten minutes and if I didn't leave right now, Mr. Morris was bound to have my head on a platter. I didn't intentionally show up late to his class, it's just that after my usual 'shows' on Sunday night I would be extremely tired and would miss my alarm. However, I was determined not to show up late this time. With my backpack slung over my shoulder, I bolted out my bedroom with the front door in sight.

"Morning Veah- woah. Somebody's in a rush", Hannah, my roommate comments as I speed past her.

"Can't talk, late for my Art History class, see ya!"

Vanilla Twilight Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora