Chapter Twenty-Two

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It was currently the next day and I hadn't heard from Callum since last night.

Not only were my nerves on edge, my patience was wearing thinner and thinner as I checked my phone every five minutes in hopes that he texted or called.

I had been disappointed each time.

"The man's going to call, relax!" Hannah, my voice of reason consoles.

She was currently shoving a banana in her purse while heading over to the door, her class starting in fifteen minutes.

"I know but Han, it's been hours! This isn't like him," I retort, throwing my hands in the air, defeated.

"It might not be, but at least give him a minute. He's probably still dealing with whatever situation he had to leave for."

Although I'd hate to admit it, Hannah was right. Maybe I was overreacting, even just a little.

"I guess you're right," I breathe.

"Course I am! Talk to you later girly," she smiles before departing.

I was seated on the couch, mind going a thousand miles per minute, until I heard a knock on the door.

Frantically, I dash towards it, prepared to give Cal a piece of my mind.

"Callum if you even think that I'm not mad then you've got another thing coming!" I state while opening the door.

"Well, good thing I'm not him then."

Micah waltzes inside, pinching my cheeks as he makes himself comfortable on the couch were I previously sat.

"What're you doing here?" I question, arms crossed.

"Ouch. Can't I visit my sister simply because I miss her?" He queries, an eyebrow up.

"Fine," I sigh, rolling my eyes.

He chuckles as I take the seat next to him and lean into his warm embrace.

"What's gotten you so grumpy Rumple Stiltskin?"

"Not funny," I glare at him before adding, "Cal hasn't texted me since he left last night."

"Why did he have to leave?" Micah asks, growing more interested in his reason.

"Something to do with his family I guess? I don't know; he wasn't very clear on the details," I finish.

Micah seemed to be deep in thought, pondering over what I just told him before his phone rang.
After answering it, he stands up and claps his hands together.

"Well, no use in sitting around here till he calls. Come with me to Meat and Greet," he says spontaneously.

"But Mikey I-"

"No buts! Now bring yours and let's go."

He pulls me off the couch and together we head out of my room and out the doors of the women's dorms.
Thankfully I had chosen to worn a cute fitted jeans and checkered top this morning.

We walk for several minutes until I realize that we're going the exact opposite direction of the dining hall.

"Micah, Meat and Greet is that way," I tell him, pointing behind us.

"Yeah, I just wanted to stop for something really quick," he shrugs carelessly.

"But Mikey, don't you-"

And that's when I hear it.

There's a guitar playing softly in the area but I have yet to spot the player.
As we walk to the big oak tree in the courtyard, students who I've never spoken to before walk up to me and hand me a rose, one after the other.

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