Chapter One

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"Thanks, I'll be back next week", my usual 'customer' tells me as he gingerly pulls out three crisp hundred dollar bills from his leather wallet.

I couldn't be bothered with politeness as I practically yanked the cash out of his hand and hastily found my way to the door; my body was aching to get some rest and I was going to soak it all as soon as I got back to my dorm room. Hopefully my roommate would be spending her Saturday night out on the town as she usually did.

I didn't bother slipping on the fish net stockings I wore when coming to this hotel, it would take up too much of my time. Instead, I scooped them up in my arms along with my suede heels and headed for the door of this crappy room.

"I can give you a ride if-"

I never heard the end of his sentence as I pulled the door shut in his face. He was a nice guy compared to the others I've acquainted; but I don't really have the audacity to hang around with a married man. Before he came in the room, I saw him subtly slip his ring off his finger before positioning himself above me to get to work.
Even with what I do, I had some form of "respect" and decided to keep my conscience clear for as long as I could; unfortunately, life throws you several bombs you can't miss and you have to do what you have to do.

Making it to the end of the hall, I pull my bouncy curls into a high bun, bringing it off my face. The man sitting behind the check-in desk flashes me a tight lipped smile as I headed for the front doors of the building.

I knew that look, it was the same they all gave me when they find out who I am, no, when they THINK they find out who I am. It's easy to see their thoughts when the majority of the time they fail at masking them.

That's the problem with people in this world, they spend so much time hiding their true selves that they in turn lose who they really are.

It's sad if you ask me; at least I'm not prancing around on my high horse pretending to be someone I'm not. I know I'm not perfect, hell, I have too many scars than I can count, but I accept that. That's why I find my shoulders light, because the weight of the world isn't resting upon them.

Smiling at the thought, I make a sharp bend around the corner that'll take me to campus; passing the homey coffee shop that I frequent as much as I can. It's past 11 o clock so I know they're closed and done for the day; fortunately Henry and the crew will be there bright and early when I come to get my regular cup of iced coffee.

The chilly breeze nips at my thighs which are scarcely covered by the tight red skirt I'm wearing. Leave it to January to be one of the coldest months in Florida, I thought sarcastically.
The gates of Finn State University greet me as I walk through while flashing the security guard my student I.D.

"It's just me Nick, go back to watching your reality shows", I joke with him.

Nick has been the designated head security officer since I've gotten here about two years ago and I'd taken a liking to him straight away. He was young but old enough to be my uncle which fortunately he called himself.

"Okay niece, just making sure it's you", he chuckled in reply as he slipped his bald head back into the security booth.

Campus was alive with music, the ground practically vibrating with bass. The head frat house Theta Gamma Nü was a beacon on campus, fully noticeable with its blasting music, drunken people, and illuminated appearance. No doubt the guys had added a few more lights to the front porch recently. Despite the  cliché stereotype of frat guys, all of them were sweethearts; I should know, the captain is my best friend.

Micah Daxon has been my 'ride-or-die chick' since I met him back in seventh grade. Forget the fact that we're total opposites; he an extrovert while I'm an introvert. He's brave as hell whereas I'm still working on gaining courage. He's strong physically and emotionally while I'm....
I'm still trying to figure that one out.
No doubt I'll hear about this in the morning when he comes over to crash in my bed; it's a good thing FSU doesn't have a no boys in girls lodging facilities rule or we would have been screwed.

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