Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"Kaela," Ester spoken. The name had such a bitter taste, I could sense it. Ester looked quite confused. Once her eyes met Mia, a frown set itself onto her lips. I slowly walked over to the picnic table where Chresanto sat, stuffing his face. Instead of taking a seat I stood behind Chresanto,

"Who invited her?" A family member muttered.

"It's nice to see everyone again!" Kaela chimed, smiling widely, "It's been a while."

All anyone could do was stare. Kaela took notice of me once again. She smiled, and waved taking everyone by surprise. Chresanto froze as she walked around the picnic table. She was making her way towards me. I wasn't sure what to do. She seems nice, but no one seems happy to see her.

"Akira right?" She asked, extending a hand. I hesitated, but slowly shook her hand managing a small smile.

"You and Chresanto are all I've seen lately." She explained crossing her arms over her chest. "You guys are a wonderful couple. I wish you the best." Instead of replying, I just stared at her. The way she was smiling, looked so real that you couldn't help but think it was fake.

"I'm sorry....but who are you?" I asked, coming off a lot ruder than I intended.

Before she could answer, Chresanto spoke.

"Can we get back to eating please?" He sounded so irritated. I looked down at him before clearing my throat and taking my seat beside him. Kaela sighed and for a second, that smile of hers wavered. She slowly walked around to the table where Tammy and Mia were sitting. I kept my eyes on her for a moment before looking down at the plate of food in front of me.

Ester exhaled, rubbing her temples. I watched her for a moment and she seemed to notice. She looked up at me showing a very weary smile.

"Don't make that face," She began, "It's nothing for you to worry about." All I could do was nod. I looked over at Chresanto. He was looking down at his food, pushing it around with his fork. I placed a hand on his shoulder. He glanced up at me, and smiled, as if he forgot I was here.

"Are you alright?" I question, trying my best get his mind off what just happened. Instead of speaking, he reached over and grabbed my hand under the table. I smiled to myself as heat built up on my face.

"You good?" I questioned once again.

He nodded, "Yeah, I'm good."


The air still feels tense. It's like this girl brought a sort dark cloud over everyone. It seemed like everyone was starting to head inside. The kids were inside, along with most of the family members. I was helping Ester with the dishes, while Chresanto and the guys were watching sports. I still couldn't get used to their cheering and screams. Every time someone would make a touchdown, they'd burst out in cheers. I'd flinch or jump each time.

Ester would always laugh at me, telling me that I'll get used to it.

Once we finished the dishes, Ester excused herself to the living room. I was about to do the same when I caught sight of some people still sitting outside. The sky was grey, casting a grey shade on everything. Day was slowly becoming night. I peeked through the opened glass door to see Tammy, Kaela and Mia all sitting down. They seemed very drawn in their conversation. I caught Tammy's attention. She smiled and waved me forward making the other two girls look my way.

I hesitated, not sure what to do. I feel like I'm walking into a dangerous situation. I slowly stepped out to the backyard, the atmosphere feeling quite dense. I took small, slow steps towards them.

I slowly took a seat, my eyes shifting to each person.

"Akira, you've met Mia right?" Tammy said, pointing towards the girl. Mia grinned. I guess she thinks she's gotten to me. I should mess with her. I put on my best thinking face.

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