Chapter 4

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"Walkers!" I heard someone yell, awaking me from my deep slumber.

"Where?" I screamed in reply.

"Right here!" I could tell the voice was Carl's. I now heard gunshots and the splash of blood against walls.

Where the hell was everyone? Carl and I were left alone here with a group of walkers now stumbling closer and closer to me.

"What are you doing? Help me!" Carl yelled, angry at me for being so stupid.

I picked up a shovel leaning against the wall and got to work. First I knocked the walkers down on their backs, then I took the sharp end of the shovel and pounded it into their soft skulls. The job was done within a few minutes. We counted 13 bodies, now contaminating our cell block.

Blood smeared walls, and a putrid smells lingered among the corpses.

"What's going on in here?" Rick asked surprised when he walked in from outside.

"Looks like there was some walkers coming from the north exit," Daryl said as he approached from behind me. A chill ran up my spine just hearing his voice.

"Only 13," I added.

"Well how in hell did they get it?" Rick cursed some more after that.

We all investigated the north exit to find a wire they had tied on the doors to keep them shut was gone, disappeared.

"Someone's looking for blood," Rick was furious, "and it's not any of us."

Rick stomped his way out to the courtyard.

"What does he mean?" I asked nervously.

"He means someone wants us dead," Daryl said. "Come on."

I followed Daryl who followed Rick. Me being the klutz I am, I tripped over a stick in the grass and flung myself onto Daryl's muscular back.

"Watch it, okay?" Daryl growled as I picked myself off the ground with no help. He's going to be a tough one to get. I could tell something was bothering him, but I highly doubted he would tell if I would've asked.

Rick called a group meeting. People piled into a picnic area and took a seat. I sat alone at my own table, only until Maggie motioned for me to sit at a table with her, her boyfriend Glenn, and her sister Beth. I joined them, awkwardly sitting with my legs cross under the table.

"You've got really pretty eyes," Beth complemented me.

"Oh thanks, I've always wanted blue ones," I thanked her, thinking about my brown eyes actually being called "pretty" for the first time.

Beth seemed like a kid-sister to Maggie, but it looked as if they were close. Beth was the skinniest girl I'd ever seen. Her thigh gap was almost 2 inches I bet. And I could probably wrap my hands around her waist so my fingers touched. She looked so frail, delicate.

"Listen up, everyone," Rick interrupted my thoughts. "Someone's out there. And they are trying to harm us. Earlier, we found the wire that locks our doors was cut and removed."

Several gasps emerged from the small crowd. And then a laughed sounded from behind us.


SO SORRY for not writing any chapters. I saw I was getting quite a few reads so I decided to continue! Please comment opinions and vote <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2014 ⏰

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