"So you're going to be discharged tomorrow , how do you feel about that ?" My dad asks me putting his hand on my shoulder .

"It feels good because I need me some bacon and beans , not bread with seeds because no . I just want to be in my comfortable room ." I smile .

"The only thing you haven't changed over the years is your room so I'm sure you'll find some sort of comfort in it ." My mom smiles sadly at me .

"I'll remember ma ." I sigh sadly with a bit of hope .

"Are you and Tyler getting there ?" Dad asks .

"Well I keep on remembering things he's said to me . I don't remember everything specifically but well I remember one thing and he retells me the story . Why didn't you take me to therapy instead ?" I ask them actually confused .

"We didn't want to take you because we knew that you wouldn't talk to someone you didn't know . Yes , you don't remember Tyler but you somehow find comfort in him so we used that as an advantage . Over these five out of six months you had spent a lot of your time with Tyler so I'm sure him being around you will somehow help you ." My mom speaks from a Doctors perspective .

"Mom , I would like to know . From a Doctors Persepctive am I going to be fine ? Will I remember everything I've done these past months ?" I ask with tears forming in my eyes .

"I'm not certain but as you said Tyler said that you still remember but they are locked up ." She smiles squeezing my hand and that squeeze reminds me of something .

I close my eyes and I see Tyler's tattooed hand in mine as I squeeze it . I open my eyes to my parents who are giving me a weird look .

"Oh , that's how I remember things ." I chuckle .

"What did you remember ?" Dad asks once again .

"I was squeezing Tyler's hand but I don't know why ." I shrug .

"Maybe you'll find out later ?" Mom suggests .

"Yeah . I find it so weird that you guys actually let me go to a high school ." I chuckle making them laugh .

"Well you seemed determined . You also seemed as if you wanted this so we gave you what you wanted ." Dad smiles .

"I would give you anything ." My dad says to me .

"Dad you're going to make me cry ." I sigh wiping my eyes .

"Only tears of joy please ." He laugh kissing my cheek .

"I also find it weird that you trust Tyler ." I whisper to them .

"Well at first it was hard to see my little pumpkin with a guy but I saw how happy he makes you ." My dad whispers to me .

"Why are you whispering ?" I ask .

"I just don't want you taking advantage of what I just said ." He laughs .

"Okay honey , we have to leave ." Mom sighs sadly at me .

"I'll see you later ." I say to them with a sad smile because I didn't want to be left alone .

Ten minutes later I see my grandpa walking in with a tray of mugs and a lunchbox on it . He pushes my foodything I still don't know the name to closer to me . I think it's a cart , yeah we'll just call it a cart .

"Dessert ?" He offers opening the lunchbox .

"Dessert after breakfast , wonderful ." I smile grabbing a mug with tea and one of my granny's famous ginger cookie .

"Mmhhhh I swear every time she makes these they become better and better ." I smile savoring the taste .

"I've lived fifty years with these and I'm still in love with them ." Grandpa sighs .

"You know Grandpa , one of the stories you haven't told me was how you and Granny met ." I smile ready to hear an amazing story .

"I hope your ears are wide open because you're in for one great story ." He smiles looking into the distance .

"I was catching a train back to Paris because I used to work at a cafe there . I walked past a lady who I had bumped into but I didn't really take notice as to that . She called out after me as if I was some robber so I looked back to see a very beautiful woman on the floor with her luggage on her ."

"That's so cute !" I squeal .

"Hush child , I'm not done ." He chuckles taking a sip of his tea .

"So I walked up to her and helped her off of the floor . 'Where are you going ?' I had asked her just Incase she needed help . Her beauty interested me , I have honestly never seen a beauty just like hers . She told me that she was headed to Paris for a job so we got onto the train together . We sat beside each other . The whole ride to Paris was spent with her and I speaking about everything we could speak about , from where we are to what is our favorite food ." He sighs .

"So we had finally reached our stop so I grabbed her luggage and my small bag and put it on the floor because she was going the other way while I was going the other way . We said goodbye and left each other's side . I felt empty because I felt as if I could rely on her for some weird reason , but a week later my heart had restored itself as I saw her walking into the cafe I was working in . She saw me and a smile had taken over her serious face . Your granny eventually told me that she was the new baker at the cafe and that is how we met ." He smiles looking at me .

"That is an amazing story grandpa , I wish I could meet my future husband in a story like that ." I smile .

"You oblivious child ." He sighs taking my hand in his .

"What's wrong ?" I ask him .

"You're happy aren't you ?" He asks slowly .

"Yes I am , why ?" I smile at him .

"You'll soon realize why you're happy Emmy .  You've met him before you just don't realize it ." He smiles standing up to give me a kiss on the cheek .

"I'll see you tomorrow okay ?" He smiles leaving the room .

What does that mean ? What does he mean that I'm oblivious . I close my eyes to see a hand in a tattooed hand which I'm guessing the other is mine squeezing the tattooed hand . I don't know if it's a signal of comfort or I just did that to thank Tyler ? Everything is confusing especially given that I'm sick , well kind of sick .

I hate that I have forgotten the last five to six months of a good life , I can't go around without anyone by my side , I can't bath , I can't even sleep properly without her showing up in my dreams . She's the reason I'm like this today , she's the reason I hate who I am , she's the reason I think about death .

The only reason she's angry is because Tyler is the reason I smile , he is the reason I'm happy . Is that what Grandpa meant ?

• • •


Where is my sweet Tyler in this chapter ?


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