"Damn, you Outcast is really annoying. I can't let you alone, they would come back. But Kïma's warming up the bed for me. I must go."

As he was watching her, he noticed the Ancient device above her hear. He grinned and took it, even if he had no idea how it could function. It was turned on, but he couldn't manage to do anything.
He pushed the door, after putting the focus in his pocket. He closed the building behind him and started to walk towards the sleep house.
They were his friends. How could they do such a thing ? He always thought good of them.
Touching an Outcast? Gross.
And, come on, let's be honest, her being an Outcast didn't justify raping her.
Nothing justifies rape.
He shot in a rock nearby, sighing.

"Be cursed, Outcast.", He whispered to himself, before heading back to the building he left her in.

He sat against the wall, next to the door, and started to play with the focus. It was a really weird thing, to be honest. So tiny yet apparently so powerful.
He touched every millimeter of it but couldn't manage to light it up. He even tried to place it on his  ear but he couldn't manage to place it perfectly and it kept on falling. Nothing happened once he placed it as it was supposed to be placed. He just couldn't make it work.
He mumbled some insults to it and put it back in his pocket.

I'll find a way to make it work, he thought.

He noticed some Noras coming back from the party. He chuckled when thinking about their reaction when they'll find Kïma in his bed.
Ah, Kïma...
So mysterious, so mesmerizing, so...wild.
Why was he feeling that way around her ? A part of him was definitely trying to persuade himself that she was just another Outcast, and didn't deserve him, but the other part of him was already persuaded that he didn't deserve her and, technically, that she wasn't an Outcast : she wasn't a Nora, just a wanderer.

Oh, All-Mother, I swear if I win the Proving, I'll get her a proper place on the Embrace.

He sat in a better position, dreaming about the shape of her sleeping quietly in his bed. He surprised a stupid smile appearing on his face and couldn't hold it back.

"What are you doing here, Bast ?"

The voice surprised him and he threw a look at Vala, holding hands with Damarko. Not knowing what to answer, he decided to choose strategy and pretended to be drunk:

"You finally back together ?", He started, mimicking the voice he had when he was drunk. "Oh, Liho owes me thirty metal pieces, then. We bet you would back together within one or two years... Seen Kïma dancing ? Those hips, though ! Saw her moving it ? And her..."

"Alright, he is completely drunk.", Vala declared, laughing a bit. "You like her, don't you ?"

Shit. They were supposed to leave, not to ask questions. What was he supposed to say ?

Just act drunk, Bast.

"She fine as hell, true. She also kind. Definitely strong. Maybe smart as well. I don't know what think about it. I feel like I don't know her enough, but I would hella like to !"

He then laughed like crazy and rolled on the ground, closing his eyes.

"Should we take him to the sleep house ?", Damarko asked, apparently smiling.

"No, he's not in danger, he can sleep here. Come on, I need to have some rest now."

After a few minutes, Bast opened an eye. They were gone.
He sat back against the wall, crossing his arms.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The day was finally starting to rise on the Nora camp. Bast opened his eyes when the luminosity started to change. He didn't sleep. Not a second.
He stretched and looked at the people, already starting to prepare new activities for the day. Some people were already drinking. And Kïma said the Nora were severe...
He jumped on his feet when he remembered the girl who probably spent the night alone. Throwing a look at the door behind him, he decided that his 'friends' wouldn't dare to do anything now that there were a few people around, so he stood up and went back in the sleep lodge.
A few concurrents were still sleeping, but the main one was still lying on his bed, apparently still asleep. He approached her slowly and sneaked under the sheets, trying not to wake her up.

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