27. Mad or Mad not

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I chose to work at a school during the holiday just to be better prepared for my internship once schools opened. The one thing I hated about it was waking up earlier than normal or sleeping later than usual in order to make preparations for the next day. The children are what kept me going. The teacher in charge was nice so it also made things easier.

Being a Friday, I was happy to finally get off work. We had plans to meet over at Kevin's place for game night. Ever since the dinner happened we made sure to meet once in a while just so we could interact and get updates on each other's lives.

Hannah wasn't downstairs when I got home so I went up to check if she was in her room.

"Hannah" I called as I went up but got no response "Hannah, I'm home" I yelled

I decided to check just in case she was sleeping. I knocked once then opened the door. To my surprise she was sitting on the edge of the bed facing the door "Yes"

"I wanted to check up on you since you weren't responding"

"Sorry" she shrugged "Didn't hear you till you reached the door"

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around the room not really bothering to fully enter "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine"

"Cool. I just wanted to let you know that I'm home. I guess I'll be in my room"

"Okay. I'll see you in a few"

I shook my head as I closed the door. I headed over to my room and took off my shoes but before I could close the door I remembered that I hadn't told her what time we would be leaving. I threw my shoes and went back out closing the door behind me. I texted Richard to remind him too.

Not bothering to knock this time I opened her door "Just to remind you, we are-"

I stood in shock looking at Hannah and her face mirrored mine "What the hell is going on?"

"What are you doing back here?"

"I asked you first" I countered

"Physical biology" He smirked putting emphasis on the physical

I gave him a disapproving look and she elbowed him "Look just don't get mad and let us explain"

"Ok" I shrugged "Go on"

Hannah opened her mouth then closed it looking up at Richard who scratched the back of his head. The idiots weren't expecting me to let them explain. 

Rolling my eyes I turned on my heel 

"We leave for game night in an hour so I suggest you both get ready"

"Game night" he tsked "Can't make it. You see I have-"

"Richard" I deadpanned "If you could make time to sneak around with my best friend behind my back for who knows how long then you'll certainly make time for this"

I didn't give him time to respond before closing the door. Shaking my head I went back to my room wondering if they thought this through.

We took Richards car to Kevin's place. The drive was quiet. I could see them giving me eye's through the rear view mirror but I pretended to focus on the buildings even though there was nothing interesting about them.

I went to get out when we finally got to Kevin's place but Hannah stopped me "Bridget are you upset?"

"I thought it was obvious"

"So you're not ok with us dating?" Richard asked

"Look I don't know what you guys are doing exactly but it's not really about the fact that you're dating but rather that you found it necessary to sneak around. I mean you're my best friends and I keep you in the loop about the main things that happen in my life but for some reason you guys felt it necessary to keep this away from me. Were you even planning on telling me any time soon?" I asked and was greeted by silence "Exactly"

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