6. A Library Visit

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I went to my usual spot in the library but I failed to read my novel. He actually asked me to go out on a date with him and I didn't say no, but I didn't say yes either. He didn't bother coming after me when I left him in the hallway and I kind of felt bad for doing that now but I had no idea what to do or say.

I left the library and went for my last lecture of the day. I was practically a seat filler in there because I didn't learn anything new. I spent the entire lecture thinking about Kevin. I told myself to concentrate so many times but my mind couldn't help but wonder.

I went home immediately after for fear of meeting Kevin. I told Hannah about what happened

"Oh my gosh" she laughed "you did what?"

"You heard me" I threw my head back on the couch and covered my face "I didn't know what to do, one minute I was ready to say no and the next I couldn't get the stupid word to come out, it's like I was contradicting myself"

"I think you should go out with him, you know" she said giving me a little nudge on the shoulder "hmm...see how it goes, maybe even get someone to pop that cherry" she winked

"Think about popping yours instead of mine and whose side are you on, you've never even met the guy"

"I know and I'm on your side but you on the other hand aren't....now let me do your hair while we watch TV"

"Do my hair....what exactly do you want to do to it?"

"Knots....I want your hair to be wavy and puffy tomorrow"

"Now I wish you never learnt how to do those" I sighed as I did what she told me to do

Hannah learnt how to make knots just in case I felt lazy to do them myself...like today for example...it didn't take long for her to become an expert plus it's kind of fair seeing as I'm always trying to come up with ways to style hers.


Wednesday on my part is the worst day of the week, the name was terrible and even the position of the day in the middle of the week didn't help. I had a lecture in the morning and two in the afternoon. I spent my lunch in the library reading then went for my lectures.

On my way home after a tiresome day I kept my eyes trained on the beautiful sunset. I hadn't noticed that I had company so when I did I swear my heart took a leap after I realised that it was Kevin. I hadn't seen him the whole week and as much as I hated to admit it, it felt good to see him again.

He didn't have his playful expression on but he didn't look too serious either. I turned my attention back to the road and we walked in silence till we reached the gate. 

"Can I walk you home?" he still wasn't smiling and I kind of missed it

"Yeah" I don't know why I said it but it felt right. We walked for a couple of minutes in silence before he spoke

"How was your day?"

"It was....fine....not fun but fine and yours?" I asked turning to face him

"It was complicated"

"How was it complicated?"

"Frankly I don't wanna talk about it"

"Oh" I said regretting that I sounded a little disappointed

"You sound disappointed"

"I'm not" I replied quickly

He smiled finally "don't get me wrong but it actually feels good to hear a little disappointment in your voice it actually means you actually do find me a little interesting.....I mean I asked you out on a date the other day and you just walked away"

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