"Okay kiddo. Now, you need to hurry and head off to school. Maybe you'll see your new friend Kyle."

I couldn't stop the shudder even if I tried. Why did she keep calling him that? My friend? I don't know him, and the odds of me actually getting to know him are slim to none. I didn't have anything against him, it wasn't like he had done anything to get on my bad side, yet I still couldn't help but feel weird at the idea of him...or anyone being my friend.

After giving my mom a hug and a kiss on the cheek I walked outside to my car and told myself not to worry about any of this. If we are friends, then we're friends, it's that simple.

Turning on my cd player and jamming out to White Chapel on my way to school, I started head-banging at a stoplight when my favorite song: Possession came on. Not paying attention to anything but the music, I hadn't realized the light had changed then felt by body jerk forward, slamming my head into the steering wheel.

I felt dizzy at the sudden impact. Everything in my body ached, sending wave after wave of pain throughout my being. Trying my hardest to lift my head up, my neck popped in a number of different place making me cry out and gasp at the snaps.

I could hear voices. See blurs. Nothing came to full picture as my eyes darted from spot to spot. I could feel someone touching me, pulling at my body and removing me from my car. I still wasn't sure what was happening. The pain was beyond anything I had ever felt before in my life, and each time someone's hand brushed across my body, the agony that soared through me magnified but what felt like millions.

The blurs that had once taken form in front of my eyes had faded to nothing. I was dying. I had to be. This was my final passing, and there was nothing I could do to prevent it. Where were the flashes of my life passing by? Where was my old dog that passed away? I could feel my breathing soften. My heart racing. I wanted nothing more than to just get up. To tell whoever was touching me that I was okay. But I couldn't. No matter what I did.


Something felt off. I could feel something soft beneath me, something warm covering the top half of my body. Even though my eyes were still closed, I could tell I wasn't wearing the same clothes I had been. I didn't even know where I was. Could this be a dream? Was I dead?

It hurt to breathe. My head started throbbing causing me to gasp and at the pain then cough at the sudden intake of air into my lungs. I was scared to open my eyes. I could be dead right now, waiting to be sentenced for everything that happened in my life. I wasn't religious or anything. In fact, I wasn't sure what I believed at all.

Taking the risk and cracking my eyes open, I heard a gasp of air come from someone other than me. I felt someone's hands reach over and grab me, pulling me into a tight embrace that cause pain to once again surface and make me cry out.

"Thank god!"

Opening my eyes the rest of the way and following the voice as best as I could, I saw my mom shaking and almost crying. She kept asking me if I was okay, trying to figure out what happened, but I couldn't find the voice to tell her I honestly didn't know.

I was in a hospital. Most things still seemed to be a blur, but I could make out things I had seen before. Namely my mom and little sister, Chloe, who was rolling around in a wheelchair trying to get herself out of a corner.

Moving to sit up, I gritted my teeth and endured the pain that flowed through me until I sat upright, then looked around the room once more. My mom was frantic, talking to someone who was standing next to the curtain that separated the beds from each other.

He looked good, but very angry. Bald and wearing a suit that almost seemed oversized, his well plucked eyebrows narrowed at me above a set of dark blue eyes. I didn't know who he was, or why he was even glaring at me. A small cut was bandaged on the left side of his forehead and I wasn't sure if he was somehow involved in what ended with me in this building.

"It wasn't his fault!" My mother yelled, stomping her foot on the ground. "You were the one that hit him!"

"He should have been paying attention to the light and not listening to that devil music!"

"He should have been paying attention? You hit him! You slammed into the back of his car going fifty in a thirtyfive!"

"If he had gone when the light changed, this wouldn't have happened! Look what he did to my son!"

Ripping the curtain down and pointing to the bed next to mine, I strained my neck to see who and what he was talking about. I could feel my eyes widen as the person came into view. The kid looked just as messed up as I felt. I could feel my air get caught up in my throat as our eyes made contact for the first time. Laying in the bed next to me, was Mute.

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Mute (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now