Chapter 8: Change Your Life

Start from the beginning

"Ava darling! You look absolutely smashing!!" Freya grabs me, squeezing me tightly. She looks amazing as well. Her hair is pulled back, her dress is silver and shiny, with a belt making her waist look tiny. It has thin spaghetti straps and ends a couple inches above her knees. She has no jewelry on, but the dress doesn't need any, it speaks for itself. She really looks like she stepped off the pages of a magazine.

"Ava, you look really do look absolutely breathtaking." Parker says, pulling me in for a hug that lasts juuust a little to long. He doesn't look so bad himself. He is wearing a casual grey suit, with a white dress shirt, unbuttoned at the collar. Parker really is a gorgeous guy. We have done some flirting here and there but nothing ever came of it. He's knows I'm not interested in any kind of relationship. I don't know why Poppy said he's in love with me. That's ridiculous.

Finn pulls me away from Parker, laughing at the look on my face from the awkward hug Parker and I just shared. He gives me a quick hug, "You do look ace Ava. Are you nervous? On the way here we were taking bets on if you had locked yourself in your room yet."

"Oh wow, thanks for the vote of confidence guys."

"You can always count on us." Finn laughs. "We all ready to leave?"

"Yeah, I think so. But first I wanted to ask you guys if you wanted to go to a club after my show tonight. Harry said him and his band mates are going to an opening and they would like us to go."

Freya is of course the first to speak up, "Well I for one never turn down a club darling! Especially not when accompanying the likes of One Direction!"

Finn says he is in and Parker just shrugs his shoulders.

"Please tell me one of them is single! They are all so fit! If I'm going to a club with One Direction, I refuse to leave until I've had a proper snog with at least one of them!" Poppy exclaims.

"Poppy please don't embarrass me tonight."

"Don't get your knickers in a twist about it Ava, it's happening!" She laughs. "Now lets go!"

Once we reach the bar, my nerves get about 1,000 times worse. So much is riding on tonight, the pressure is overwhelming. Fleeing the country seems like a pretty good idea right now.

Poppy forcefully pulls me out of the car. "I know what you're thinking Ava, and no, you are not backing out of this!"

She knows me so well.

Begrudgingly I let her push me towards the bar, and through the front door.

I head towards my dressing room, checking in with the manager, before going back out to find my friends. Walking through the stage access door, I stop dead in my tracks. There are all my friends, talking to One Direction!! Oh God, I can't breathe.

Freya spots me and calls me over. "Look Darling! The boys are already here!"

If I thought my heart was beating fast before, I was so wrong. So so wrong. I rub my hands together, attempting to get them to stop shaking as I walk towards the group. No such luck.

They are all standing around the bar, ordering drinks. Except Harry, I don't see him. Wow they all look so amazing. Pictures do not do these boys, scratch that, MEN justice. They all of course are wearing dark skinny jeans. Louis matching his with a dark red and black sweater, Liam and Naill both have on leather jackets, and Zayn has a grey blazer on over a white tee.

I can hear my beat in my chest as I approach them. Freya and Poppy of course are shamelessly flirting. While Finn and Niall seem to be in a deep discussion about football.

"Ava!" Poppy exclaims as I reach them. "This is Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall."

"Very nice to meet you all" I say in a quiet voice.

"Lovely to meet you as well." Zayn offers me his hand in a hello.

"Yes, lovely Ava. We've heard some really great things about you." Liam gives me a quick hug and a smile.

"Hello Ava! Nice to meet ya. Can't wait to hear you play!" Niall flashes me a goofy grin, also giving me a quick hug.

I can't help but blush, this is so surreal. I glance towards Louis, but he says nothing. He just stands there looking me up and down.

I manage to find my voice. "Great to meet you all as well. It's so crazy that you all are here. I hope you aren't disappointed."

"I'm sure we won't be love. I'm Louis, nice to meet ya." I turn to Louis who gives me a big smile and a hand shake. "Harry hasn't shut up about you... now I can see why. My mate has quite a bit of a cru-"

"Louis!" I hear Harry's voice behind me.

I can tell by Louis' face that the look Harry is giving him isn't a friendly one.

He brushes it off and laughs. "Calm down mate! Was just getting to know Ava here!"

I turn towards Harry behind me and I can't keep my mouth from hanging open. Wow, he looks so hot. He's wearing his usual black skinny jeans and boots. But tonight he has on a black dress shirt, only buttoned up about half way. His chest tattoos being nicely displayed. He has a headscarf on, trying to tame his unruly curls. Right now I wish I was like Poppy. I would jump this man right here, right now.

He flashes me his oh so perfect smile, "Hello Ava, you look absolutely stunning." He says looking me up and down before pulling me into a hug. Ugh he smells sooooo good. He lets go and looks down at me.

I gulp. It's your turn to speak Ava. Speak!

"T-thank's Harry. Thanks so much for coming tonight, this is just so crazy, I cant believe it." I smile up at him.

"Ava, I need you backstage! You're on soon!" I see Sophia, the manager call to me from the stage.

"Okay, I'll be there in a sec!" I call back to her. I sigh and look down at my hands. Yup still shaking. This has got to stop or I won't be able to play.

I feel Harry put his hands my shoulders. "Ava... please stop worrying. You'll do smashing. I just know it."

Trying to get over the little shocks his hands gave me when he touched my shoulders, I take a deep breath. "Thanks Harry, I hope so."

He pulls me into another hug and then directs me towards the stage door. "Now get up there and kill it."

As I make my way across the room, I hear various good lucks and you'll do great's coming from my friends. I navigate around people to get to the stage door. Wow there is alot of people here tonight. Alot more than normal. I hear a couple whistles coming from a group of men that I walk by. Ignoring them, I make my way to my dressing room.

Fifteen minutes later, I hear a knock on the door. "You're on next Ava! Head to the stage now."

I look up at Poppy, who has spent the last ten minutes convincing me I can do this.

"Go Ava. The sooner you get out there, the sooner it's over."

"Right." I force her a smile.

Poppy gives me a tight squeeze before opening the door for me.

"Now get out there and change your life."


A/N: If you are enjoying the story, please vote! It only takes a second and it would mean so much to me and to getting my story out there! Thanks!! ;)

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