Yui And Asahi

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When we arrived at the arcade Asahi was less shy and very talkative. I liked him much more then before and we played many games and I tryed to flirt as much as possible but couldn't because I would be to embarrassed. I looked back to see if Mizuki was watching but she was way in the back with her head down. She must of had a long day and plus it's no time to be worrying about my Tsundere sister. I mean I'm here with my crush I should be trying to get closer to him.


"Ok Haru see ya later." I was thankful he took me out of my thoughts so now I can actually try to communicate with my crush.

"So Asahi what middle school did you go to?"

"Ahh I went to Aoi middle school"

"Oh cool" why am I being so awkward this is my chance

"Yeah So you and Mizuki live in that cool mansion way over there correct" he said pointing in the direction our mansion was

"Yup, and if u like u can be with me there sometimes....... Wait sorry I mean we can like hangout I'm not trying to hit on you or anything ha...ha..ahhh"

"Pfttt your a funny guy I know you didn't mean it that way no worries" Asahi says while patting on my head

'Omg he's so nice I love him'

"Right of course not sorry I'm kinda nervous"

"It's okay no worries and I would love to hang out with you"

Time skip

"Do you like this game as well so do I." Says Asahi smiling

"Ahh yes it's actually my favorite"

"Really! Mine too!!" Asahi says laughing

Time passed by fast before we knew it, it was midnight and Asahi and all of us were exhausted we all went home after waking some of our friends up including my sister since they fell asleep tonight was amazing and I'm so happy I had time to spend with Asahi.

Sorry for updating late. I have been really busy. Hope you liked it. Sorry if this is short.

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