Meeting Up

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Mizuki's Pov:
Yui snapped out of it and went back to his usual self as we were walking to the meet up. Yui usually gets like the once in a while so its quite amusing. Although I'm more excited to see how he will act in front of Asahi. I'm probably just gonna watch them the whole time since I dont know what to do. Also because I dont know the guys that well.

Yui's Pov:
Walking to the meet up I decided to stop pouting and except defeat. I glanced over at Mizuki to see her looking extremly happy... Which is suprising. I decided to ignore it. I was to busy thinking about if Asahi would show up. Desperately looking around since we just arrived. I looked back at Mizuki to see her looking at me with a smile. I didn't know what to do so I just smiled back which made her laugh for some reason.

Mizuki's Pov:
Yui looked like a puppy waiting for his owner so I couldn't help but smirk. Yui probably felt my stare so he turned his head to me. He looked confused so he gave me a nervous smile which made me laugh.

"Yui hiyaaa" a guy said childishly running to Yui I believe his name was Haru. Yui smiled and waved to him.
The next person to appear was Itsuki he didnt really say anything just waved carying his book. After Itsuki it was the twins Masamiko waving with a smile and Kaito devilishly smiling saying "hello there I have arrived".
After the twins it was Haruko.
Haruko just said hello and asked us how are day was so far.

Touma walked up holding a pillow, put the pillow on my shoulder and leaned on it and slept he probably did this because he was fond of my scent. Yuuto waved to us with his prince like aura and politely held a small conversation while we waited for others. I was surprised on who showed up next it was Yuri. He said , dont get the wrong Idea, my sister said I should come and try to get along with you guys so I did. It was surprising that all the boys showed up except for Masami he was the shy type after all.

"Ok let's gooooo" Haru shouted cheerfully. I patted on Touma to let him know we were gonna start leaving but he didn't budge. So I decided to just start walking with him on my shoulder. To my surprise he learned how to sleep walk so he was walking with me. All of us followed closely behind Haru. The first stop we made was the movie's. Haru, Yui and Haruko got all the tickets and snacks for the movie.

We all found a row to sit in there wasn't too many people there so it was easy. Yui sat by Asahi trying to make it look like a coincidence when he knew he did it on purpose. Making Yui in the middle on the other side of Yui was haru. Next to Haru was the twins besides the twins Haruko. Next to Haruko Yuuto then Yuri. Next to Yuri there was Itsuki and then me and beside me was still Touma sleeping on my shoulder. We watched the previews in the beginning quietly.

I felt someone staring at me so i turned my head it was the same guy from the library. It kinda looked like he was glaring at Touma but I wasn't sure because it was dark so I just ignored it. I already started thinking of Touma as a little brother so it wasn't like I minded him on my shoulder. I got kinda of sleepy so I leaned on Touma's head and fell asleep. I felt someone tapping on my shoulder. I opened my eye's to Yui. "Come on the movie's over, lets go." I replied to him and said ok.

With my head still on Touma I slowly picked up my head to not wake him yet and to my surprised Touma was up. I looked at him, smiled and said "sorry I fell asleep on you." He said "it's fine I just woke up a couple minutes ago so it not like you bothered me plus I slept on your shoulder this whole time sooo." That was probably the longest sentence I ever heard him say.

I looked at the corner on my eye to see one more person still there by the corner it was Itsuki. Touma whispered in my ear "he's been staring at us for a while, I don't know why" I look back to where he was he looked shocked and left. I said "I don't know why, sorry" me and Touma left to catch up with the rest of the guys. Touma looked kinda energized so he was walking on his own. We catch up to the guys finally arriving at the arcade.

"Finally your here" Yui said looking happy. "Yea sorry." I replied. He was playing a gun game with Asahi and seemed to be enjoying him self . Touma went to the games and played. I sat at this corner with a table and that was kinda dark the boys seemed to be enjoying themselfs so I didn't want to be a bother. I put my head down on the desk. I looked up and someone was already there I dont know how I didn't notice. It was Itsuki reading a book. He didn't seem to notice my presence either. I just layed my head back down to sleep again I was quite tired from today's classes.

I felt someone touching my hair, I was too tired to lift my head so I just kept my head in place. The person was touching it so gently that it made me fall back asleep. I heard a soft quite voice "why do I feel like this? This never has happened before." Im not quiet sure if it was a dream or not but thats all I remember.

Im finisheddd!! Ok since like I didn't really get Yui and Asahi hanging out and stuff the next chapter will be Yui's Pov and how him and Asahi are going.

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