Us Vampires

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Mizuki's Pov
Some strange people started to gather around me this morning.
Saying things like "your so cool, let's be friends? Luckily Niko pulled me away from the crowd before I could answer *sigh*

Me and my brother as Royal Bloods draw a lot of attention for vampires they have to obey us and our blood smells good to them. As for humans there drawn to our good looks and our Personalitys and we can also order them around.

Nico However she's never seemed drawn to my blood. Not to mention she never obeys me. Im glad, I wouldn't want a freind who doesn't see's me for me.

My brother Yui however always seemed to do his own thing never minding rumors about him or fangirls. He known at a young age girls weren't his type and that he liked boys.

My father didn't seem to mind it he's a monster after all. He wanted me and Yui to get married, so we can have Royal blood children but there's no way in bloody hell that would happened so me and Yui both disobeyed him on that one.

My father was sadistic but wise, we respect him. My father found it amusing Yui was gay. So amusing he would bring boys over for Yui none however his "type".

When I say he found it amusing I meant it he would brag about it to his friends and say it was so manly of his son. I however was embarrassed whenever he bragged about us because he over did it using over sexualized words or being over dramatic.

We're Vampires known as "Monsters" and "blood thirsty" which is true for the most part for old generation Vampires but us new generation control hunger and don't mind humans.

Well most of us. Some still do kill way to much and use humans as toys. Me and Yui however are in an organization. We hunt down human murderers and criminals and thats are blood source. The human's hired us the human's that know we exist. The Organization that keeps the innocent safe. There called the "World protectors".

I love hunting down criminals. There is so much action and they're way more stronger than ordinary humans. They put up a fight and it's amusing to me. It's no fun for the hunt to be easy its rather to boring for me. Nico works in the organization too. She plays with them she makes them fall for her and the kills them when they trust her.

As vampires we all are a little sadistic. Yui however just gets it over with unless he has an intrest in the person. We all pefer a certain type of blood so for Yui its Type A, he plays with them if it is if not he gets it over with. As for me I perfer Sweet but Bitter at the same time Type B. As for Nico she seems to enjoy all.

But Vampires who aren't in the organization feed off of animals or anyone they please.

As for some Half vampires they don't really need blood and can survive off animals only but can also feed off humans if choosen.
Hope you liked this Pov it gave you more intell about the vampires :) <3

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