Hanging Out? Part 1

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I woke up on my own for some reason today so I got ready and waited for Nico hoping we could be early this time.

"Mizuki? Your up? On your own?" She says shocked

"Yes and what about it, its not like im a child." I replie some what flustered from embarrassment

"Ok whatever you say lets start going then" She says with a smirk

"Ok fine"

We head in through the gates

"Hii Mizuki, Nico we were wondering if you guys wanted to hang out with us today after school?"

Sana and Nanami say cheerful while the other girls smile behind them

"Yay that sounds fun what would we be doing?" Nico says excited

"Well maybe Karaoke or the Arcade?" Sana says unsure

"Hmm or maybe a cafe, or a movie?" Nanami says trying to give more ideas

I look over to Nico to see her face light up now i defintely can't lie and say im busy *sigh*

"Well I guess we will figure it out as we go." I say trying to lighten up the mood since they were confused on where to go

"R-Really" Nico and sana say excited

I simply nod

"Well we should get going before the bell rings" I say motioning Nico to follow me

"Ok" they all say

We head inside the classroom

Teacher speaking

"Today I think we should give you assign seats" he says while clearing his throat

"If were lucky we will sit next to each other" I whisper to Niko

"I hope so" she whispers back

"Lets wait for the whole class to get here okay"

"You may sit where you like for now"

*more student entering the classroom*

"I'll give the 10 more minutes and then we will start"

*all students enter the room*

"Ok shall we begin"

"Let me get my chart"

"Okay first up right here, is Nanami please sit here."

"Im in first seat yay" she replys

"Okay behind Nanami lets have a boy hmm, how about Haruko."

"Okay" he says as he sits down

"Okay beside Nanami, Hinata.

"Hi Hinata." Nanami whispers

She waves while sitting down

"Behind hinata, lets have Hana."

"Next to hinata, (random student)"

"Behind, Haruko is Sana."

"And next to Hana lets have, Yuuto."

"Beside Sana Sakura"

"And next to Sakura, (random student)"

"Behind Sana, Nico"

"Beside Nico, Touma."

"Beside Touma, Mizuki."


"You smell nice" he says as pulling out a pillow

He must be a vampire but he doesnt smell like it, ahh I see he's a half breed

I look at Nico and wave Smiling since we are in the sane row.

"Ok next to next to Mizuki, Itsuki."

"Behind Mizuki, Masami."

"Behind Touma, Yui."

*sniffle again*

"You have the same smell." He says to Yui half asleep

"Well, She is my sister" Yui says as sitting down

"Behind Nico, Asahi."

Yui Instantly get flustered and puts his head on the desk.

"Yui, Are you feeling well?" I say Sarcastically

"Pftt" Nico Scoffs

"Beside (random student in front) is (random student)

"Behind (random student) is, (random student)"

"Behind (random student) is, Kaito."

*chuckles* "Its a Pleasure" Smirks as sitting down

"Behind Kaito, his twin Masamiko."

"Brother don't forget I exist ok" he says as holding a teddy bear

"Ok behind Asahi, Haru."

"Beside Haru,Yuri.

"Beside Yuri, Temari.


(I will end it here posting Part 2 in a bit IT will just resume since I dont wanna make this chapter too long)

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(I will end it here posting Part 2 in a bit IT will just resume since I dont wanna make this chapter too long)

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