Mizuki Tanaka

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I run in the Royal Blood familly of vampires, My Name is Mizuki Tanaka, Im in my First year of highschool and let me tell you about my boring life? I have a gay brother named Yui whom I suppose I love he can be extremly Obnoxious , I have a Childhood friend Niko whom is Very Bright and got me through a lot and that's all I can tell you right now....Which is Because im starting at a New highschool I have been home schooled up untill this point so I dont really know anything about the people or what kind of place it is.

My brother however has been there already and I guess made friends. He won't stop talking about this Asahi how his blue hairs so perfect and his eye's are dreamy. Im annoyed. I mean im glad for you brother but please spare me from having a headache. I'm obviously so "excited" for school I mean from what I watched on movies theres a lot of annoying people there like the so called "popular" girls and the "jocks" and the "playboys and the "sluts" .... I could go on but you get the point. Im actually in a bad mood I haven't drank any blood Im not usually this annoyed.

It just all the stress.Ok let's be honest I am actually sorta excited I hope it turn's out well. Im sorry for the rant my parents just been presuring me and making sure I dont screw up my highschool life.

(She get's cranky and annoyed easy in the morning's and when she's hungry, she wrote this when she was both)

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