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Today (10:31PM)

Bcard59: Hey. I miss you!

Spritz: Hey you! I miss you too! I really wish you were here!

Bcard59: Roomie gone again?

Spritz: Yeah she's visiting her parents this weekend and this place is so creepy at night.

Bcard59: You think it's creepy even when I'm there.

Spritz: lol, okay it's creepy all of the time. (Delivered)


I wish you were here right now. (Delivered)


R U still there? (Read)

Bcard59: Yeah. Bathroom. Are you hearing things?

Spritz: Of course I am. I'm getting ready for bed.

Bcard59: For a little old lady, your landlord sure sounds like an elephant stomping through her house.

Spritz: My landlord sure is in Charlotte tonight.

Bcard59: So you're really alone?

Spritz: Yes. I wasn't kidding.

Bcard59: And you hear the footsteps like we heard that one night? Are you for certain she didn't just come back?

Spritz: Pretty sure. I went up there to make sure no one broke in, that's when I first texted you.

Bcard59: Um . . . I texted you tonight . . .

Spritz: No, I said, hey, you said hey back after like 30 mins and than this began.

Bcard59: Your first message must not have sent, but don't go back up there. Did you lock all of the doors?

Spritz: I checked all of them. I had to or I wouldn't have been able to sleep.

Bcard59: I wish your bedroom door locked.

Spritz: Me too. But listen, I'm going to bed. I'm tired so I should sleep.

Bcard59: I dont like this, but okay. Goodnight. I love you

Spritz: Nite!!! I love you too!!

March 17, 2017 (2:56AM)

Spritz: Brandon! Brandon! Wake up!

Bcard59: Sam, r u okay?





Sam answer you damn phone

Spritz: sorry i hear the footsteps upstairs. Someone might be up there.

Bcard59: Holy $h!+ Sam call 911!

Spritz: I cant I dun think its someone

Bcard59: what do you mean?

Spritz: what if it's a . . . Ghost?

Bcard59: ghosts dont make noises. Call 911 or I will

Spritz: Im at the bottom of the stairs. The pool light is on and I def did not leave it on.

Bcard59: call the police or I will.

Spritz: call them. I have to check it out or I'll never sleep. I have the butcher's knife.

Bcard59: Sam NO!


Spritz: rrhrxgt

Bcard59: ???

I called the police and they should be arriving now (Delivered)


R they there yet?????


Did they- im calling you. (Delivered)


Sam! Damn it! You always answer

Sam the police say the house is dark and no one's home. Where R U????

Did you turn off the lights? (Delivered)


Sam answer your door or they'll think it's a prank!

Today 7:44AM

Bcard59: Sam please let me know you're okay(Read)

The End!

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