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Today 5:13PM

Matty1: Hey dude

Kdip686: Yo.

Matty1: Ash loves your grandma's mirror

Kdip868: You're welcome

Matty1: I finally talked her into moving it out of the bedroom.

Kdip868: What Why???

Matty1: You know I mean no offense dude, but that mirror creeps me out.

Kdip868: Your reflection scares me too.

Matty1: Haha

But for realz.

Kdip868: What's up?

Matty1: This is weird-whenever I look in it, it's me but it looks meaner than me.

Kdip868: Don't look me.

Matty1: I'm NOT!!! Ash doesn't notice it, I think it's just me.

Kdip868: Horror movie much?

Matty1: okay okay.

Kdip868: I know it's old. I didn't like it either when I was growing up but it's really fine. I g2g. TTYL

Matty1: Later

July 25, 2017

Matty1: %@€k Kevin you ****** That damn mirror is possessed!

Kdip868: Slow down! Don't curse me. What are you talking about?

Matty1: I looked in the mirror and went into the bathroom?

Kdip868: and???

Matty1: My reflection was still there, smiling at me!

Kdip868: Then don't look into the mirror with a mischievous smile. Mirrors show reflection, I'm sure you just spooked yourself.

Matty1: %@€k It's gone.

Kdip868: Maybe you should move the mirror so you don't startled yourslef again.

Matty1: Dude, I know it sounds crazy, but when I came out, my reflection was still standing there and I wasn't in front of it. (Delivered)


Are you still there? (Read)

Kdip868: idk what to tell you. We gave to you so we know it'd go to a good home. If you're going to get rid of it, at least give it to someone you know will take care of it. That's all we ask.

Matty1: Ash loves it so much, we can't part with it. I might accidentally break it-J/K

Kdip868: Not funny

Matty1: sorry.

Kdip868: ttyl.

July 27, 2017

Matty1: Babe, I want to buy you a new mirror.

AshBoRound: Nothing better have happened to the one Kyle gave us.

Matty1: It's fine, I just want you to have one that's not old.

AshBoRound: It's fine. I love antiques. We're so lucky he gave it to us. We moved it out of the bedroom, if you don't like it, don't look at it.

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