Jerome x Reader - Split Part 1

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Warning - Mentions of abuse, swearing.

A/N - I really loved the concept of this imagine, however I was ill when I wrote it so I'm sorry if it's not very good. It ended up being very long because I was stuck in bed with nothing to do, so it's gonna be in three parts. 

Blood. So much blood. The sticky, crimson liquid covered her from head to toe, a second skin attached to her body. She could feel it cascading down her arms, dripping from her finger tips and staining the already murky carpet. Two bodies lay, cradled together hopelessly, blank eyes glazed over as they stared at the ceiling in horror. Two lovers torn away from this miserable world. Her glossy eyes glazed with tears, the salty liquid swimming down her bloody cheeks freely.

"What did you do?" She brokenly whispered, her emotions hitting her like a tidal wave as she realised what she had done.

"No no no no no please!" She frantically pleaded even though she knew there was no way to reverse what had been done.

They deserved it.

Crying out, she pushed the thought out of her mind, racing to the small bathroom in her dingy trailer. Cramming into the small space, hazardly turning the sink tap on she soaked her face, desperately trying to remove her parents blood from her face. She knew why she had done it, why she brutally murdered the only family she had, she knew exactly why. They beat her. Black bruises covered every inch of her pale body, her face sickly thin from starvation. They didn't feed her, they didn't want her. Her best friend being the only one who cared, the only one who fed her what little scraps he could get, her ginger protector. Her boyfriend.

Successfully cleansing her face of her sin, her chaotic mind stood still, the realisation of what she had done fully sinking it causing her shaking body to tremble violently. She needed help, she needed Jerome. Racing to throw on a large coat, successfully hiding the blood stained clothes, she climbed out the back window not wanting to risk being seen.

Ducking her head down, her midnight locks hiding her face, she rushed to the trailer not far from hers. Weaving in and out, she finally spotted her destination, without hesitation she rushed up and banged on the door. Fists assaulting the weak material, her eyes frantically looking around for onlookers. She knew Lila would be out, she always went out on a night.

"What-?" Jerome answered, visibly annoyed by the persistent knocking, freezing when he saw her tear stained face.

"I need help J." The girl muttered, trying and failing to quell the onslaught of tears which sprung from her swollen eyes.

"Y/N?! What's wrong?! Did you they hit you again?!" His voice was frantic, taking on a darker tone as he mentioned the abuse. He knew about Y/N's parents, about them hitting her, his mom was the same.

"No, I-I-she I..." Her voice broke and cracked as she stuttered, having no clue how to tell him what she did. She was a monster.

"Shh calm down, calm down. Come inside. Come on." Speaking gently, he led her inside his trailer, broken beer bottles littering the floor. Feeling a small pull on her arm, she leaned into it, relaxing slightly as he pulled her into his warm chest, his hand cupping her head softly. Whispering reassurances, he waited until she calmed down before he spoke again.

"What happened?" His tone was so careful, he knew of her predicament but he didn't care, he stayed with her through it all.

"I-I killed them. I didn't mean to I just, I mean they were yelling and yelling and mom grabbed me and then I blacked out and they were dead. I killed them Jerome. I let her out and she killed them." The fragile girl cried, collapsing into him as he slowly lowered her to the ground, clutching her sobbing form.

Jerome Valeska //Jeremiah Valeska // One-shots Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя