*Preview* Chapter 1: Pain

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Richard knew he should have listened when Haly had shown up with a warning. That he should have gone with him to follow the process properly. He writhed on the floor in pain as his teammates crowded around to try and help. He heard the muffled exclamation for people to move away and help clear the area of the couch and coffee table he had been sitting on before. He gasped as the pain shooting through his veins started to condense and intensify towards his back. He gave a yell as it flared and arched his back. His friends then attempting to pick him up to move him to the med bay stood back as well to prevent further injury. He guessed someone called Batman as the murmur of the Zeta beam' s voice was registered incoherently. His mentor walked into the room from the appearance of a dark figure in his blurring vision, his teeth clenched as he tried to bear the pain.

Batman P.O.V.

I walked in to see my son stretched out on his side with clenched teeth and a defiant look on his face. He grunted as he started at scratch his back frantically like he needed to get the fabric from his black and blue uniform off. The other team members in the room were discussing how to help the acrobat as I leaned down and looked under the fabric of his covered back. He whispered as my eyes widened

"I'm going to pick you up," I said, him nodding in return. I grabbed him and gently pulled him over my shoulder as the others protested and Nightwing gave a couple grunts in pain.

Ignoring the others I moved to the zeta beam with my ward and transported us to the Batcave, a worried Tim and Barbra following.

"What's happening? Is he going to be alright?" Tim asked as I lay Dick on a medical table, making sure he was on his side to prevent further pain.

"I'm not sure," I began to hook up an IV and gave Dick some pain medication.

"Haly," Dick murmured. "Call Haly," his voice was strained as he talked and looked like he wanted to say more but stopped as he groaned and tried to reach for his back again.

Pulling out scissors I cut away the fabric to reveal bright red protruding stumps that looked to have grown since I first looked in the cave. The three of us studied his back for a moment before they moved under the boy's skin.

"Tim call Haly," I ordered as I moved to inspect the protrusions.


"Dick seems to think Haly knows what is happening. Call him," I interrupt. Tim raced to change and moved to the elevator before disappearing. Dick's breathing evened out as the painkillers kicked in, relaxing slightly as he let me look at his back, still flinching to touch.

"You might have to cut them out of the skin," Dick finally said into the silence.

"Do you know what's happening Dick?" he grimaced and nodded.

"Haly showed up a couple weeks ago to tell me about it but I called away before he could do anything to help," he said quietly, "I should have listened to him and stayed." He trailed off as the drugs made him drowsy and eventually doze off.

"How is he, Master Bruce?" Alfred said as he appeared from the elevator.

"I'm not sure Alfred. I don't know what's causing this," Bruce admitted. They sat in silence as Bruce took blood samples and did other tests while they waited for Haly.

A/N Welcome to the Preview of my first exclusive. This will be posted entirely on my personal site and I hope you all give it a visit the link is in the description or my account page. Tell me what you think and I'll try to update my other stories this weekend before summer school starts.

PS if anyone wants to make a cover for any of my stories I would love to be able to use them. (I would make them but my drawing sucks and I don't know how to make edits on the computer properly)

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