32 | Goodbye Stranger [ Castiel No More ]

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32 | Goodbye Stranger [ Castiel No More ]

CLARISSA WALKED QUIETLY inside the abandoned garage, making her way down the dark halls. Thankfully, she had a spare flashlight in the pocket of her jacket. She flicked it open only to realize the battery had run out. Throwing the flashlight to the ground in frustration, she clicked her tongue, "dammit."

Her mind replayed what Meg had said. My powers were the only thing that was keeping me alive? Does that mean I'll—no. That's impossible. Sam said it himself, Meg wasn't the most trustworthy person they've met in their lives, meaning she and the Winchesters had a past together. She could've been fooling me, but if she was, what point was she trying to prove?

Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw a busted wall broken to fragments; debris and bricks. She pressed her back against the wall and slowly approached it.

A sudden crack sounded in the air. No, it wasn't the kind of sound a broken glass would make, nor was it the sound when you broke something. It sounded more of a...punch.

"Cas! This isn't you! Fight it!"

She knew knew that voice anywhere. It was Dean's. With no hesitation, she rushed inside. Her breathing hitched when she saw Castiel breaking Dean's arm with a twist.

Castiel grabbed Dean by the collar and threw punches at Dean, a 'crack' sounding in the air each time he did. Dean now had a broken nose and swollen cheeks, face stained with blood. Castiel stared down at Dean with ruthlessness, no trace of compassion. He then eyed the Angel Tablet on the floor, "you want it? Well, you'll have to kill me first."

"No!!" Clarissa screeched.

Her hands trembled at the sight of Dean do damaged. Castiel did this? Why is it so hard to believe?

Their attention snapped to Clarissa who was trembling in her place. She couldn't stab him because she had a Demon-killing knife in her hand instead of an Angel-killing knife. She knew all what she could do was at least hurt him and slow him down.

"Peanut! What are you-?! Get out of here!"

She bolted over to Castiel, attempting to tackle him down. Her efforts flew out of the window when Casitel held out a hand, throwing her to the side as some antiques crashed. The impact made her roll to the ground as she groaned and clutched her pained back.

Castiel returned his attention back at Dean, "c'mon, you coward! Do it. DO IT!!"


Dean toppled down with more groans.


Dean's eyelids were now half lidded, almost completely closing from the swelling. His lips bleed.

"C-Cass, this isn't you. This isn't you." Dean uttered out.

"Castiel! I will kill you!" Clarissa gritted her teeth, placing a hand on the nearby table to support her weight, she stood up and ignored the searing pain and cries of her broken ribs.  Just as she was going to pounce on Castiel, he did the same thing and sent her down to the floor. Although the impact was harder, because there was nothing to cushion her fall.

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