Spinning - Excerpt

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She was somewhere in between laying face up on her bed, and pacing the carpet as the small fan in the corner made chills arise to her pale skin. She normally wasn't this pale, but she was sick like none other, and being the stubborn little thing she is, she kept working.

There was something about having three days until opening night, dances that look bad, a pas partner who's angry with you, and being sick, that really makes the panic start to build.

Not even to mention that her family, who was on the total opposite end of the country, in California, was angry with her for some reason. (Most likely still because she's working with art as her profession, they never accepted her for that. But in all honesty, when isn't her family mad at her?)

But here she was, legs swinging off the side of her bed, panicking. No, no, she was going to be fine. She had to be fine.

She looked over out her window, seeing a dim light from right next door. Her best friend, her pas partner...the one who was mad at her, lived right next door, and something about seeing that little lamp on through his apartment window, made her settle down.

At least he was safe. He was sleeping, he was safe.

And that was one less thing spinning around in her mind.

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