Too Bad - Excerpt

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It's too bad he's never stopped her. He's never stopped her to tell her that she's absolutely stunning and that she's too stunning to always be walking with her head down. He's never told her that her freckles seem to dance across the bridge of her nose, and that they look like constellations in the sunlight. He's never stopped her and told her how he really feels about her. How he loves her and would always be by her side through light and dark. He's never stopped her to tell her how much he loves her little quirks, like when her fingers tap against her thigh when she's nervous. He's never stopped to explain to her that he knows her favorite book and coffee order, and that he would love to order that coffee and discuss the book because it is his favorite as well. It's too bad he's never stopped her to tell her those things because his opportunity to do so walks by him in front of the coffee shop in the morning. Or at least it used to.

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