Sample Prolouge (Pt 2) - Excerpt

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"Sharna, for these appointments to be beneficial, you're going to have to talk to me." Alex folded his hands together atop his mahogany desk and looked at me with concerned eyes.

"You're acting like she was a monster! She didn't get herself kidnapped!" I almost shouted and folded my arms over my chest.

"I never said she was a monster, Sharna. I said she was sick."

"My best friend was not 'sick'! If anything, I was the sick one, but Peta was not sick!" I got incredibly defensive.

"You don't just leave in the middle of the night randomly without something up there." He stated.

He knew his psychology, I couldn't lie about that.

But he was wrong about that.

"She didn't leave randomly! Her boyfriend was in a car accident!" I exclaimed loud enough to just barely rattle the paper mache masks, considering they weren't mounted on the wall too well.

"Why was she still living with you then?" Alex interrogated, as if I was the reason my best friend was kidnapped.

"Do you move in with someone when you've only been dating twelve months? No, no, Dr. Hannigan, you don't!"

"You also don't put your girlfriend of only a year as your emergency contact when you're in a hospital!" Dr. Hannigan defended his case.

"I didn't say the hospital called her. I didn't say he wasn't conscious."

Dr. Hannigan took a deep breath and looked back at me.

He was either done seeing my face, or he knew he was wrong.

I think it was both.

"I can't do this anymore." I grabbed my purse from the couch in the room. "My best friend wasn't sick." I began to leave.

"Sharna, don't..." His voice trailed off, seeing as I already had left.

I got outside the office and almost considered going back in.

But I couldn't. Not after he accused Peta of being sick.

My eyes filled with frustrated tears as I dialed Val.

"Hey, Val, could you please come pick me up?"

"Yeah. Princess, weren't you done in another half hour, though?" He asked.

"I'll explain in the car, could you just come get me, please?" My voice was shaking.

"Of course, Princess, I'll be there in a New York minute."

"Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too."

The call was disconnected, and soon enough, Val was pulling into the parking lot.

We're talking minutes later.

"Hi." I said quickly as I got into the car.

"Shar, what's going on?" Val asked as he pulled from the parking lot.

"Nothing. Just...I'm not coming back." Tears began to fall.

"Princess, I mean, I don't want to sound rude, but you ne--"

"No," I cut him off. "I don't need therapy. I don't need help. And I especially don't need someone accusing my best friend, who was a victim of kidnapping, of being sick!"

"Alex did what?" Val asked.

"He accused Peta of being sick, as if that's the reason she was kidnapped! She wasn't the sick one in this equation!"

Val sighed and rested a hand on my thigh.

I found in comforting, feeling his fingers gently move back and forth against my leg. 

"Dr. Hannigan needs to learn that there are some truly sick people out in this world, and that my best friend was not one of them."

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