Chapter Thirty

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After spending most of the day finishing the packing of Phil's bedroom, Phil announced that he was hungry. Dan asked, "Do you have anything in the kitchen? Or should we order something?"

Phil grinned mischievously, which made Dan narrow his eyes in apprehension. "No to both of those options. I think I'd like to take you on a date. We're going to eat at a nice restaurant. How does that sound?"

"A date?" Dan tried to sound casual, though the thought made his stomach flutter with nervousness. "Of course. A first date is the next logical step after having sex and discussing the possibility of getting married someday."

Phil looked a bit crestfallen. "You really don't want to? I thought it would be fun."

"Sure, it might be fun." Dan sighed. "Look, if we're going to do this boyfriend thing, you have to understand that I use sarcasm as a defense mechanism. Please don't take it personally."

"I won't, so long as you agree to then tell me what's wrong. Talk to me, please."

"I just... pictured us in a fancy restaurant and I got scared. Everyone who saw us there and didn't know us would think you owned me and that you'd brought your sex toy into a nice place to eat, and they'd hate us. I don't care if people judge me or say things to me, but I don't want to see it happen to you. You've given up too much for me already." Dan glanced around the room of the apartment that they would be leaving soon, and then he looked at Phil. Phil looked like he was about to start crying, so Dan forced himself to smile as he said, "Hey, you know, this could be fun. But let's just go to place without a dress code. Someplace that I can wear a beanie to cover up my ears. Is that okay?"

Phil shrugged. "I don't want you to have to hide who you are. But if it makes you more comfortable for now, then okay." Then his face brightened. "Hey, I know a great place to eat actually! It's a self-serve restaurant that makes comfort food. You'll love it."

"Sounds great."

Thirty minutes later, they were standing before a counter filled with ready-made plates of food kept warm under a hot lamp. Dan was pleased to see that no one gave him a second glance while he had his ears hidden under a teal beanie and his tail tucked into the leg of loose sweatpants.

"I think I'm going to get a burger." Phil declared. "What about you?"

Dan selected a tasty-looking plate of fish and chips. They ordered chocolate milkshakes to go with it and then sat in a booth in a corner to enjoy their meal. "So, what do you usually talk about on dates?" Dan asked with feigned coyness as he bit a chip.

Phil laughed. "Stop being so damned sexy, Dan. Not when we're in public and I can't do anything about it."

"I'll keep that in mind." He dropped the fake personality. "Seriously though, penny for your thoughts."

"Hmm, there was something I wanted to tell you. While you were gone, I read a bit of what you wrote in your notebook." Phil took a sip of his milkshake, and Dan couldn't tell if Phil was teasing him with suspense or giving him a chance to react. Then Phil continued, "You're brilliant. You know that, right? You're going to be amazing on YouTube. I can't wait to watch the video you scripted. Everyone is going to love you."

Dan wasn't so sure about that. He was a Neko and he was used to people hating him on sight – Phil and his brother had been the only exceptions so far. He felt so safe right now, hiding behind a beanie, and he thought of asking Phil what he thought about him wearing it in his first video. But, no...

Dan remembered the idea that had drawn him to YouTube: he could express who he really was on this website. Of course he would have to admit that he was a Neko. So, he said, "Thanks, Phil." Then he remembered the video that Phil edited right before Dan disappeared. "Oh! Your chocolate orange video. You still have to post it."

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