Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Dan sat on the bed. Out of all the rooms in the house, this one seemed the least affected by Phil's packing. The books were removed from the shelves. An open box sat before Phil's dresser with clothes spilling out of it. The rest seemed the same though. He sat on the familiar blue and green duvet, and Dan tensed as he remembered the last time that they had been in this bed together. Cautiously, he brought the thoughts of that night forward in his mind, but it was okay. The panic and fear he had felt at the end of that night had faded. The memories that were vibrant in his mind were the good ones: telling Phil that he liked him, the way Phil kissed him, the feel of his hands all over his body.

Dan smiled confidently up at Phil, who was looking at his nightstand. Dan took a guess as he asked, "Did you pack what you keep in that drawer?"

Phil smiled, seeming amused by the mindreading. "No, actually. We're all set."

Dan hummed in response. "So, when you move you pack your plates and silverware. You pack your shower gel. But you don't pack your lube and condoms, leaving those out for the last minute? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we don't have to go hunting in these boxes for it, but admit it, Phil: you're a pervert."

"I will not admit that." Phil's cheeks flushed. "If you're going to call me that, I'll just leave you here by yourself."

Dan was pretty sure that he was bluffing. He patted the bed beside him. "Come on. Sit next to me."

Phil shook his head. "No, take it back."

"How about a compromise? If you admit that you're a pervert, I'll admit that I like it?" He thought that Phil was going to protest, but Phil growled as he dropped the offended façade and leapt onto the bed, pressing Dan back against the pillows as he kissed him ferociously.

A few moments later, they were both out of breath – Dan a bit more so since Phil was lying on top of him. Phil leaned back and asked, "Is this okay? I'm not being too rough, am I?"

"No, I like this."

Phil bit his bottom lip, looking unsure, and it drove Dan crazy because he wanted to bite that lip, but he was pinned beneath Phil's weight and he couldn't reach his face. As he was about to grab a handful of black hair and pull Phil's face back down, Phil asked, "I am so worried about scaring you again. If you don't like it, please stop me."

"I like this. What do I have to do to convince you?" Then Dan had an idea. He took Phil's hand and guided it between their bodies to the undeniable proof of how much he was enjoying this moment.

Phil's eyes widened as he stroked the hardness of Dan's growing erection through the fabric of his jeans. "You do like this."

"I told you," Dan said in a breathy voice, and then he couldn't say anything else as Phil's mouth was on his again. Phil continued stroking him over the pants, squeezing softly, and it wasn't long until Dan was gripping the duvet in his fists. He pulled his mouth away from Phil, gasping as he came.

He hadn't realized that he had closed his eyes, but then he was opening them, seeing Phil's face above him. Phil gazed at him in wonderment as Dan shuddered with the aftershocks of his orgasm, and then Phil grinned triumphantly. "I made you feel good."

Dan made a soft sound as he tried to find his voice. "Yeah, you did. Why do you sound surprised?"

"Not surprised. Just happy. I was planning on doing a lot more to you before we got to this point, but this is great."

"You're not stopping now," Dan laughed, gripping Phil's arms in case he tried to roll off him. Phil didn't try to leave, but his eyebrows knit with concern. Dan insisted, "You won't hurt me. I don't need to wait before you keep going. Neko biology is a bit different from a human male's. I can keep coming."

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