Chapter Eighteen: A Joyful End

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  • Dedicated to To My Fans

Roseanne didn't fight me on Ana and Breanna anymore. A week or two after our falling out, Roseanne and I had actually come to a custody agreement without the need for lawyers. I'm guessing she felt guilty about the Caleb situation. She apologized for everything, but it didn't mean I had to accept it. I was actually disappointed that Caleb wasn't mine. I had a list of things that I wanted to do with my son and now none of that would happen. Just like that he was taken away from me.

That was literally all I could think about.

"It's not the fact that she lied that bothers me the most but more so the fact that I don't have a son now," I sighed glancing into the room that was supposed to have been Caleb's. "Now what are we going to do with this room?"

Josh kissed me on the neck affectionately, wrapping his arms around my shoulder. "We can turn it into your personal art studio. How does that sound? I mean - when was the last time that you've painted?"

I thought back for a moment, trying to remember, but I couldn't. I hadn't painted since Christmas I think. Everything had been so hectic and I had completely pushed my hobby to the side. Maybe it's why I had been so stressed lately.

"That's a great idea Josh," I replied as I pictured exactly how the room would be set up. It wouldn't be as big as the one I had at my old place, but it would do. All of my art supplies were packed away in the garage. I felt a sense of home as soon as I began unpacking it. It only took a week to get the room set-up, and I found myself back in the studio, painting abstract pieces and piling them in the corner. I had taken three weeks of vacation to distress myself and to get everything situated with the house and Roseanne. I had almost too much free time.

"Ethan," Josh huffed, his eyes flickering across my latest works. "I think you've holed yourself up in this room long enough. You've finished four paintings in the last week. That's got to be some world record."

"Doubt it," I retorted placing my brush down. I wiped my hands against my smock, hanging it up on the back of the door.

"You're right," I continued as I started washing the brushes out. "I've been painting a lot. I guess I forgot how much I missed it. But anyways –I have a surprise for you."

Josh's eyes lit up. "A surprise? Oh. I love surprises. Surprise away."

"Close your eyes," I grinned as he closed them shut. I opened the closet door behind him, and pulled out the painting that I had secretly done of him, a few nights ago. I placed it on the easel, quickly wrapping my arms around him, as I directed him in front of it.

"Can I open them now?" Josh said opening his eyes before I could even answer. "Ethan! This – This is beautiful. Really? I – I don't know what to say aside from you were a little ungenerous in this region."

I shoved him as he pointed to his naked groin. "Really? I thought I was a little too generous. Maybe I should make some edits."

Josh scoffed as he brought his lips to mine, kissing me deeply. I pulled away, softly biting on the bottom of his lip as he pushed me against the wall. His hands fell to the buckle of his pants as he loosened them, dropping his pants to the ground.

"Maybe you should take a closer look," Josh smirked as he brought my hands to the rim of his boxer briefs. I gripped my hands around Josh's ass as I slid my lips down his neck, roughly kissing him.

"I love you," I said my eyes finding their way onto Josh's. 

"I love you too," he said without hesitation. 

Looking at Josh –I knew I would never get tired of him and that I would never want to be with anyone else. I never imagined that I could be this happy. It was as if I didn't know what happiness was until I met him. Sure, we had our ups and our downs, but everything had finally come together.

And I knew it would stay that way because Josh and I were in love. No one was going to change that.

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