I can't let Yeonwoo have Tae, I know for a fact she'll ruin him.

But on another note, somehow, my group of friends evolved. Ever since I can remember, our lunch table only consisted of me, Jungkook, and ever so rarely, Yeonwoo. Now, the two person group has doubled to four, and now with Yoongi, five. It was surprising, and maybe someday, all eight seats will be filled up.

And that day will come soon, because five just jumped to seven. Jimin and Hoseok joined us like it was completely normal to do so. Neither of them has ever sat with us for lunch before, Jimin would sometimes swing by but he's never settled at our table. Until today.

"Hey Jiyeon." Jimin plopped down, taking his seat next to Taehyung.

Jimin settled his backpack by his feet and took out his lunch box. Hoseok only sat down next to him, apparently going without lunch today.

Jimin looked at the empty-handed Hoseok and slid his food towards him. "Want some?"

"Oh, thank you." The two continued to eat, obviously they're so close that they're willing to share food.

Jungkook wasn't sure if he liked the new expansion. He preferred it being just me and him and only me and him. No one else. It not that he doesn't like the others, he just thinks they were invading his personal space and his precious friendship.

Jungkook leaned over towards me once again. "Why are there so many people here?" He questioned.

He knew why, but he only asked that in hopes that I would get rid of everyone. That definitely wasn't going to happen.

"Hey, who wants to come over to my place!" Taehyung nearly jumped out of his seat, he was excited enough just to ask the question. "I want to try out the pool, we don't have to be full on swimming, just relaxing is fine."

"I'll go." I spoke without hesitation. Taehyung's face immediately brightened up, he became overwhelmed once everyone else agreed. Even Yoongi said he'd go.

"YESSSS!" He jumped up practically screaming.

People started to turn around and stare at our table, Namjoon was one of the few who's attention we caught. Namjoon smiled and left his group of friends to join our table.

Once Namjoon took the seat next to Jin, the whole table was complete and all eight seats were filled. It was like the missing piece to the puzzle was finally found.

"What's up? Something happening?" He questioned.

Jin was about to dismiss Namjoon, but it was my turn to play Cupid. "Namjoon." I called out to him. "Come with us to hang out at Taehyung's place."

"Huh?" His eyes wandered around. "That one's Taehyung, right?" Taehyung seemed glad that Namjoon recognized him.

"Yup, that's him, please come with us."

He scratched the back of his head nervously. "I don't know."

"Oh come on, who will keep Jin entertained if you're not there." Jin quickly jumped up to testify but I only pushed him back down into his seat. "Meet us behind the gym after school, okay?"

"Uh, okay." He got up with an everlasting smile. "I guess I'll see you all later, bye." He waved, specifically targeting Jin.

Once Namjoon left, Jin slouched over with a huff. "Why'd you do that?"

Did I really have a choice?



You don't have to come over to Taehyung's house if you don't want to

Dimples 😍:
I want to come over
Why wouldn't I go?

Cupid's Bow [Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن