First class, and a new power

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(Voting is still going on, also the picture is an actual debate I wanna see in the discord server (if any of you join) and the Comments
Also shout out to -_Rafael_- he's a cool author like me and I'd appreciate it if you checked him out )

Class were held back for a week thanks to me, so not that many people actually knew what happened to team STRQ, Ruby, or Yang. All I knew was that I was gonna need those new Mangekyo Sharingan soon. (To all of those people that gave me shit for it. It's spelled multiple different ways!) Shisui was examining my eyes since I had my Mangekyo Sharingan.

Shisui: "You can use the Mangekyo 3 more times until you kiss your light goodbye, then we can transplant your eyes ok?"

I groan and nod.

Y/N: "So what is my brother's name...? All you tell me is that I had a brother and ozpin had his tomb... Who was he?"

All three of them seem to stop, like I just asked about a plague. Did my brother do something bad?

Sasuke: "You're brother is Named..."

Itachi: "Azure Uchiha. He was pretty determined to make the world a better place."

Shisui: "He was a great kid, he wouldn't have let you live alone in that hell hole of a house."

Y/N: "What chakra nature was he?"

Sasuke: "He had a strong Affinity for wind and lightning, he used my Friend Naruto's Rasengan pretty well."

Y/N: "The Rasengan?"

I tilt my head in confusion, I didn't know about that justu. It sounded cool, I wanted to know it.

Y/N: "Can I learn it?"

Shisui: "Sure! Let's go find Naruto! He's here in vale so he should be able to teach you it."

I jump out of my bed in excitement and I basically push them out of the dorm to go there.

Sasuke: "Hey watch it Y/N!"

Shisui: "We're walking we're walking now quit shoving us!"

Itachi turns into his birds then appear behind me before picking me up. We all stop when what's left of team rwby come out at the commotion. I get out of Itachi's grip and I smile.

Y/N: "Hey Weiss, Blake. How are you toda-"

Weiss: "Explain yourself. Why is half our team and their family hospitalized and classes delayed for a week!?"

Sasuke glares at her, she steps down a little in her manner.

Sasuke: "You watch how you talk to my family... Understand Schnee?" Sasuke activates his sharingan.

Weiss: "T-Those eyes... Those ARE the Sharingan... I'm sorry Y/N I didn't mean to be so hostile. I'm just curious."

I glare at her with my sharigan activate

I glare at her with my sharigan activate

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Broken eyes (Male Abused Uchiha Reader X Rwby)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora