Chapter 6:

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David's P.O.V.:

My plane lands, they let the people off the plane. It wasn't a good flight. I was in the back of the plane, I tried to sleep but the plane's engine was almost directly behind me. I look at my phone, it is 9 o'clock. I pick up my luggage, it looked ok. I walk to the nearest food place, it was a coffee shop. I bought a muffin and a medium iced mocha. I carry my items to a table and began to eat my dinner.

Once I had eaten my tasty dinner, I picked up the remaining of my mocha and my luggage. I got in a cab and told him my dad's address, and we were off. I decided that while I was in the cab I would send Mari a text"Hey babe, I landed and I love you!!!! :D" I texted her.

It did not take long to get to the house, my dad lives somewhat close to the airport. When I arrived I took luggage out of the trunk, I walked to the front door of his one story house. I rang the door bell, "Coming!" I heard through the wood door. The opened, there stood my father, tissue in one hand and a T.V. remote in the other. I smiled at him, he hugged me. "Too long, it has been much to long." He said into my jacket. He pulled away and said, "Come in! It's freezing out there!" Honestly, it was not that cold.

He pulled me inside. "Dad, where can I put my stuff?" I asked.

"Oh, put that in your old room. Hey, it still looks the same as it did when you left college!" He said.

"Really!?" I asked a little excited.

"Yep, every game in place, and every poster strait!" He teased. I walked down the hall to my room, when I saw it I almost cried. It was so many memories, my friends playing game boy games. My first kiss, in which was interrupted by my mom walking in. I still remember when the first Star Wars movie came out on DVD, I waited outside the store for an hour to get it. I looked around and saw my window, and remembered how cut out the screen so my friends can get in and i can sneak out. I remembered the night I lost v-card, Jillian Dawson, goddamn that girl was beautiful. She snuck through my widow, my parents were gone and my grandma was taking care of me and my sister, she never knew.

My dad interrupted my flash backs by tapping me on the back. "Dinner is ready if your hungry."

He made me dinner, he was so nice, even though I ate already, I could not turn him down! "Yeah, be there second." I said, he nodded and walked to the kitchen. I unpacked quickly and went to the table where my dad was sitting eating his food.

"Your plate is on the counter." He said in between bites. I nodded and grabbed my food and sat down across from him. We were eating grilled cheese sandwiches, we ate in silence. When my dad was done he asked, "You watch Jeopardy?"

I smiled and said, "Not often."

"Well, we are watching it tonight!" He exclaimed. He got up and went to his recliner, he leaned it back and grabbed his remote. I finished dinner as the started, I took his and my plates to the sink. I sat on the couch, we watched the show until 9:00 p.m., at the point my dad was half asleep, he walked to his room and I walked to mine. I laid under the covers, I was on my phone updating social media until midnight. I thought more of my past, all the funny moments and sad one, all the mistakes and the one that turned good in the end. At some point I fell asleep.

I dreamed about Mari and I married with kids make the same we made. When it was morning I woke up smiling, the sun shone through my currents. I looked at my phone it was 10:30 a.m. I walked to the kitchen and pored some coffee. I realized I hadn't changed my clothes from yesterday. I sat at the table and drank my coffee, when I was done I wandered where my sad was. I walked to his room, he wasn't there, I walked through the whole house and outside and he wasn't there. I began to freak out, I called his phone and heard it ring from the kitchen. I ran outside and into my car, I drove around looking for him. After twenty minutes, I found my dad in his pajamas on the side of the road. I pulled over and ran to him. "Dad!" I yelled.

"What is going on David?" He asked very confused. "Why am I here, I was eating breakfast and now I'm here!?"

"Dad, what are you talking about, your like a mile from home!" I said. "What is wrong dad?"

He frowned at me, "I don't know." He said crying.

"Dad, come on let's get in the car." I said putting my arm around him. We went home. When we got home, my dad' shone beeped. He went to turn off the alarm. "What was that?"

"My alarm for me to take medicine." He answered.

"What medicine?" I asked.

"My doctor said that I have brain problems and that I need to take this medicine." He said holding up a orange see through bottle of pills. "That reminds me, can you drive me to my doctor later. I have an appointment at 12:00 a.m."

I looked at my phone, "Dad that is in twenty minutes! How far is the doctor?" I said.

"About, twenty minutes." He said.

"Dad," I yelled, "get ready!" I rushed to my room, I changed to a tee-shirt and jeans, and I paired my nike's with my outfit. I slipped my phone in pocket and waited in the living room for my dad. A few minutes later we got in the car and went to his doctor. He asked if I went with him, of course I went with him. My dad sat on the bed and I sat in the chair. The doctor walked in.

"Hi, I am Dr. Tomlinson, but you may call me James." He said siting on a fancy stool. "And you are?" He asked me.

"David, I'm his son." I said gesturing to my dad.

"Alright, well let's get started. Jeff, have you been taking your medicine?"

"Yes sir, every day." My dad a little proud of himself.

"Good!" He said. "And Jeff? How is the confusion? Better, worse, or the same?"

"Worse." He said sad, I felt bad. He never told that this was happening.

"Alright, and your memory?" He asked.

"Worse." He said.

"And, you said in our last session that you see things, but people tell that it is not there? How that better, worse, of the same?" He asked.

"Worse." My dad said, I could tell he was holding back tears and so was I.

"Alright, I have a new medicine I want you take along with you current medicine. This you will take twice a day, the other will still be once a day." He said.

"Alright." My dad said.

"Okay, let me get your prescription ready." The doctor said walking out of the room.

"Dad, what is going on?" I asked.

"I told you I don't know! I just that is it!" He said with a tear falling down his face. The doctor came back with the medicine.

"Here." He said handing it to me. "Alright you can go."

I looked at my dad and said, "Dad, wait in the waiting room, I need to ask Dr. Tomlinson a question." He nodded a little confused and obeyed orders.

"Yes?" The doctor asked.

"What is wrong with my dad? This morning I woke up and he was gone, I found him a mile from the house and he had no idea what happened." I asked.

"You dad doesn't know it, but he has severe old-timers." He said.

"What!?" I said beginning to cry.

"I'm very sorry, but he needs someone to be with him a lot. I suggest a old folks home. It will be a lot easier for him and you. He won't be able to wander off anymore and will be surrounded by professionals who will take care of him." He said.

Hey, sooooooooooo sorry that haven't updated in forever, been so busy! Please don't forget to follow me and to vote and comment! Bye!!!!!!!!!! :)

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