Chapter 5:

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David's P.O.V.:

"David? It has been so long!" My dad said.

"Yeah, i know sorry about that..." I said a little ashamed of myself. "Well, I wanted to update you on my life and-"

"No, don't you say that. Every time you call and say that I don't hear from for a month until you give me another 'update'!" He said with a scratchy voice.

"Dad, are you sick?" I asked changing the subject.

"Well, I have bronchitis, but don't worry, I'm fine." I said and I immediately began to worry.

"Dad! Who is taking care of you?" I asked, he lives alone, my mom died a while ago. (Authors note: I don't know if David's mom is dead or not. Hopefully not, but for the sake of the story she is.)

"I am a grown man, I can take care of myself!" He said coughing.

"Dad! Let me come down to Ohio to take care of you!" I said, I really did feel bad that I never talked to the poor man.

"David, I am fine. Nothing is going to happen!" There was a long pause. "You aren't going to give up are you?"

"No. So does this mean you will let me help you?" I asked.

"Yes." He said in defeat.

"Alright, I will take a plane down there tonight." I said.

"Ok, what did you want to tell me again?" He said trying to put us back where we were.

"Oh, I um..., I am in a relationship." I said.

"What!? With a girl!?" He said shocked.

"Yes dad." I laughed.

"Who is it do I know her?" He said getting excited.

"Yeah you know Mari, right?" I asked.

"That one! Oh, she is really pretty, don't screw up!"

I laugh again, "Ok dad."

"So, how did you get her?" He teased.

"Dad, are you asking me for dating advice?" I tease back.

"What!? If anything you should be taking advice from me!" He said.

"And why would I want that?" I asked.

"Well, I am the one who has been married, and might add to the perfect wife, god bless her soul." He paused for moment out of respect. "Well I'm just saying I've got experience."

"Well, I've got the perfect one too." I said thinking about her and couldn't help but smile.

"Alright, well, don't loose her." He said coughing. "Is there anything else you want to talk about?" He said I could almost hear in his voice he did want to stop talking.

"Yeah." We talked for hours.

Mari's P.O.V.:

"Alright dad, it was nice to talk to you!" I said.

"Yeah, it was really nice!" He said.

"Bye." I said.

"Bye." He said before hanging up his phone. I thought for a moment, I hadn't called my dad, my grandma, and my uncle in a long time. Just then the phone rang, it was Joven.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey, where is Lasercorn? I tried to call him but the line was busy and he needs to do top 5!" He exclaimed.

"Ok Joven, calm down! We will be down there as soon as possible!" I said.

"Ok." He said.

"Bye." I said before hanging up the phone. I walked to David, he was sitting on the couch. "Hey we need to go to Smosh." I whispered.

"Ok." He said very sweetly. I smiled and went to my room and changed. I put my hair in a ponytail and did my makeup as fast as possible. When I looked some what presentable, I put on a tee-shirt and jeans. I paired black converse with my outfit. I don't really need to look that nice today, I won't be on camera. I walked out and David was sitting at the couch, dressed and ready for the day.

We got in the car, he drove. "So, Mari I'm sorry but we will have to postpone that date for tomorrow..., my dad is sick. I'm going to Ohio tonight." He said sad.

"It is ok. Take care of your dad, I understand." I said also sad.

"Alright, thanks!" He said grabbing my hand and wrapping it in his. "I love you."

"I love too!" I replied. Minutes later we pulled into the Smosh parking lot. We went inside hand in hand.

"Hey." David said to Matt.

"Hey." He replied.

"There you are!" Joven shouted from across the room.

"Hey, before we start, I need to talk to Ian and Anthony." David said.

"They are both in the break room." Matt said.

"Thanks. Mari can you tell them?" He asked and knew what he meant, he wanted me to tell them he going to Ohio. I shook my head yes. "Thanks." He said before running to the break room.

I explained to Matt and Joven, that David will be Ohio for awhile to help his sick dad. When David returned, they filmed top 5, which did not take as long as usual. "Hey, do you want me to help y'all edit?"

"No we're fine, but thanks. You should get home and pack and get a ticket to Ohio." I said.

"Ok." He said. Three strait hours of boredom goes by.

Soninki adds the voice over to the video and raises his hands in victory. "We are done!" He shouted.

"Yay!" I cheer. After a few minutes of celebration, I say, "Alright, well I am going home."

"Ok, me too. Hey, you need a lift?" He asked.

"Yeah thanks!" I said. We get in the car and he drives me home. "Thanks." I said getting out of the car.

"No prob." He said. I go inside. David has packed and airline tickets were on the counter.

"Hey babe." Said when he saw me from the couch.

"Hi." I said. I walked to him. "When are you leaving?" I asked.

"I have to leave the house at 4:00 and it is 3:30." He said, I frowned. "Honey, it is ok." He said getting up and pulling me into a hug. Began to cry. I did not want him to leave.

I looked at him and kissed him, sparks flew. He tugged on my lower lip for entrance, I accepted. He stuck his tongue in my mouth, as I did his.

We kissed for a few minutes, then I pulled away. "That is for until I see you again." I said.

He smiled. "I don't know if that will last me until I get back." He kissed me again, a minuet or so later I pulled away.

"That will last ya'" I said teasing him. We talked for the rest of the time had with him. When he had to go I gave him one last kiss, and he left, I went to bed early. I had no need to stay awake.

Hey, know boring chapter... Sorry, but you needed to know that stuff... Talk to ya' later bye!

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