Good night, soulmate

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This is an au I've been wanting to do for a long time. If you're confused as to what the fuck I'm talking about, there's a tiny bit of information down at the bottom.

Betty had not yet been marked.

Veronica and Archie marked with each other the day Veronica arrived in Riverdale five years ago. They're 21 now, engaged and more happy than should be, all three had soon left for NYU, and not once looked back.
Yet, Betty was still waiting.

She was headed to a dress shop with Veronica today to help find the perfect wedding dress. "Oh, B, I'm so excited!"

Betty squealed and said, "yes! Me too. I'm so happy for you guys!"

"Thank you, Betts" Veronica said sincerely. "It means a lot to us"

"Honestly, V." Betty replied, taking Veronica's gloved hand in her bare one.

It was December, and the air had gotten colder and dryer than ever. The first snow hadn't arrived yet, but the rain had frozen, covering the ground like a tight sitting leather jacket.

As they continued walking Betty eventually slipped.

She let out a slight scream, ready for the cold ground to slam against her back. But it never happened. Instead she was embraced by strong arms. Betty opened her eyes only for them to be locked with a pair of deep cerulean blue ones. Like the depths of the ocean.

She could feel a slight burn on the skin above her heart.

"Oh, my god, Betty, are you okay?" Veronica shrieked, a hand flying to cover her mouth. Betty wasn't listening.

"Hi" She croaked at the man above her. He helped her to her feet and responded with "hey".

He cleared his throat, "I'm Jughead, nice to meet you"

"Yeah, nice to meet you" Betty whispered.

"B, we have to go, we'll be late, are you hungry?"

Betty opened her mouth to respond, but Jughead beat her to it.

"She's not hungry" he said, eyes not leaving Betty's.

"And how would you know, stranger we just met on the street?" Veronica cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Because I believe we just marked," he said, "I can feel exactly what she's feeling" Betty's breath caught in her throat. Jughead unzipped his jacked and pulled down the hem of his t-shirt.

And, inevitably, there, on top of his own heart, sat a light golden brown crown. Betty reached out and touched it, and could feel her own one tingle.

"The closer to the heart, the stronger the bond" Jughead whispered, a small smile playing at his lips.

"Holy fuck" she breathed. Jughead laughed.

"Wait? You marked?" Veronica shrieked, walking over to see the mark. "Betty!" She squealed, and embraced her best friend. "Okay, James Dean, tell us a bit about yourself" She continued, breaking away from the hug. Betty let out a huff from beside her, and covered her face with her hand.

I'm sorry, she mouthed at Jughead who just shrugged. "Uhh, I'm Jughead, nickname, don't ask, I'm 23 I live here in New York, and as a teenager I was an emo shit with a temper" he said. Betty giggled slightly, which made his heart race, which made her heart race.

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