Chapter 4

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Ammar's POV.

It's been two weeks since I saw Sauf at Asmaa's house. I felt like seeing her. Ever since I met her, I've had this good feeling in me. Nothing irritates me anymore. I often dream about her coming towards me in a white shimmering dress.

Out of the blue, she's just become all I think of. The mere thought of her plasters a permanent smile on my face throughout the day. I haven't felt like this before.

My parents and I have been searching for a girl for myself for quite sometime now. But every girl just turns out to be bitchy and arrogant. None of the girls suited my taste.

I've always wanted a girl who will pursue her career, cares for family, is loving and who's smile I can die for. Someone who will support me through thick and thin. Someone that will respect me and I will be proud to tell the world she is my wife. I want an everlasting smiling wife, one that I wake up in the middle of the night just to see her angelic face. I want a wife who I will wake up every morning seeing her face first and see her face again last thing before I sleep.

Oh Ya Allah just give me a sign, to show me that I am near this girl, whoever she is.


"Listen mum, I've been searching for a girl for the past one year now. But I haven't fallen in love yet." I complained to my mum.

"Listen son, it's going to be fine. Maybe Allah wants an arranged marriage for you." She said as she turned to look at my father who gave her an approving nod.

"What!?" I screamed.

"My son an arranged marriage is the only option now. Look you're already 25, for how long will you wait for the right girl huh? Tell me? Even if you find her, she might not want to marry you because you'll be too old by then," my mum tried to reason with me.

"Son, we only want the best for you. After all you already have a good job, you're financially stable. After your marriage, you can stay with us for a couple of months before you move into your own home and start a family." Dad added.

"Well, I guess you're right. I might consider an arranged marriage then."

I'll just see what qadr has in store for me.

Sauf's POV.

It's remaining just two weeks to Kamal's wedding. All the preparations had long started. All the invitations had been given out  already. The wedding hall had been booked, wedding planners, caterers and whatnot.

"Ismah, please be quick, we have to go for our dress fittings and we still have to pick up Dad's parcel from the post office." I yelled at Ismah from downstairs as I and Mona have been waiting for her for the past six minutes.

She eventually came down and we proceeded to the shop. Mum made us make our dresses from the most expensive dress shop in Leicester for the wedding reception and nikah. She got jewelry from the most popular New York jewellers. It didn't stop at that. Jimmy Choo heels and clutches were also in line. She ordered hijabs from Chinutay&Co., HabibaDaSilva and culture Hijab. She and dad were really spending a lot. The wedding planners came all the way from Florida(the planning company) as they call them for all I care about expensive things.

Different business tycoons and moguls were invited from Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Singapore among others.
This wedding was indeed going to be grand Indeed.


"Miss Hailey, the dresses fit perfectly and the shoes as well. Thank you so much. We'll send someone to pick them up tomorrow God's willing." Mona said to the owner of the shop. Mum got her to order all the shoes as well since it would take time if we ordered them ourselves.

"You're welcome. I'm guessing your mum will come around for her fittings tomorrow?" The lady asked.

"Yes, she was a bit busy today." Mona answered as we all said our byes' and stepped out.

We stopped by to collect our jewelry and mum's as well. We then proceeded to pick up Dad's parcel at the post office for him.

Ismah was already complaining that she was thirsty so we stopped by at a mini shop to get some smoothie. From the window of the shop, I realized that it was the same area that I almost hit Ammar's car. I smiled at the thought and pushed it aside.

We arrived home at around seven pm due to the traffic jam on the highway. I went upstairs to my room, performed wudhu and said all the prayers I missed which were asr and maghrib.

After going through my phone for a bit to check out whether my request to open a small company had been approved, I got up from my praying mat. It's been almost a month now since I applied.

Just as I was folding back my carpet, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," It was Aiza.

"Your parents want you now, downstairs." She informed.

"I'll be there," She then left.

I went downstairs slowly. I had a feeling it was something important but I didn't know what it was. Hope it's good news.

"You asked for me, Abu?" I said as I made myself comfortable on the sofa.

"Yes girl..." he started.

"Earlier today, a..."


Asr- prayer offered in the afternoon.

Maghrib- prayer offered at dusk.

Cliffhanger! Yeah right. What do you thing happened earlier today? Leave your comments down below for me. It'll give me some ideas to add to spice up what I have in store for you. You got to know what Ammar likes in a wife right? Now the bumpy ride starts from here. Okay enough of the talking now.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope there are no typos.
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