A Grand Day Out

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"Was the wig really necessary?"

"You said you didn't want people staring!"

"But I feel silly!"

"Well, you certainly look adorable."

"If you hadn't noticed, my eyebrows aren't ginger"

"No one will notice darling"

"I'm noticing! Why couldn't just pretend to be lady with short grey hair? Short amazing wonderful hair that isn't so orange it looks like someone's been having too much fun with matches!"

Mycroft sighed and dragged Greg into their first shop...



"There's so much...stuff"

"Well what did you expect Gregory? A shop full of air?"

For that comment, Mycroft received a blow to the stomach.

The place really did have a lot, row upon row of stuffed animal toys on shelves above what seemed to be a thousand variations of cots, bassinets and cribs. The couple honestly didn't know where to begin.

"Jesus Christ Myc, have you seen the price of some of this!"

"No need to worry Gregory darling, we have plenty of money to spare"

"But Myc I, I couldn't possibly spend that kind of money!"

"Unfortunately for you, we have 'that kind of money' and if need be, I insist we use it"

Greg glared at Mycroft

"You really don't have any sense, do you?"

This remark puzzled Mycroft. You could almost see his brain working hard to decider what Greg had meant.

"Gregory darling, I'm afraid I have absolutely not idea what you are talking about"

"I'm not going to let you spoil our children to death Mycroft! We may have money but I swear, if either one of them end up taking anything for granted, I'm coming after you with a shovel!"

Mycroft laughed, to himself, much to Greg's confusion.

"What the hell is it?"

"You, you're adorable when you're angry"

He carried on laughing. Greg wasn't convinced that Mycroft had taken in what he said. The elder Holmes stepped towards his husband and wrapped his arms around him. Lestrade looked up at him, still confused and a little irritated.

"My dearest Gregory" Mycost spoke in the lightest, most loving tone "If there is anyone on earth who knows how exactly stupid it is to spoil a child with gifts over emotion, surely it is myself. I simply wish that our children have the best that we can provide them with...but I guarantee you, my love, that our children will be as kind, caring, considerate and modest as the better of their fathers, perhaps more...if that is possible."

Greg blushed and grabbed Mycroft by the collar, pulling him into a kiss. Mycroft smiled, taking Greg's hands in his.

"Come on now my love, we must carry on as I'm afraid two babies cannot fit in one onesie"

"Can't they wear matching?"

Greg definitely wasn't going to forget the look of horror that appeared on Mycroft's face. It was hilarious, and adorable...

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