The Vows

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"John!?! The taxi's here dear! Are you both ready?"

"One second Mrs Hudson!"

John straightened his waistcoat and quickly put on the grey jacket over it. The occasion had finally arrived and he felt he had to look his best. He grabbed the ornately wrapped gift from on his bed and ran down the stairs as quickly as he could to find...


The lack of response sent him into a frenzy to find the consulting detective. He was probably doing something ridiculously clever and brilliant but once again at a very inappropriate time... And low and behold, in the kitchen...



"This is no time for experiments!"

"But John, it's for the-"

"Sherlock Holmes, nothing you can say will persuade me that that" John gestured towards the strange pink liquid that Sherlock was 'brewing' as it bubbled, almost spilling out of the testube "has anything to do with your brother's wedding!"

"Shh John! I'm thinking..."


Greg looked himself up and down in the mirror. He seemed almost too smart... The last time he had been this well dressed he had been a small boy, dragged to an opera by his grandparents. Even for his first wedding he was a little...rough round the edges. Though this was supposed to be the best day of his life, in truth he just wanted it to be over. All this traditional fuss over a simple ceremony had been driving him nuts. He was looking forward to the honeymoon where he could finally relax with his lover. His husband. His Mycroft Holmes. Just the mere though of it brought a beaming smile to his face.

He had never imagined the elder Holmes could show as much affection as he had shown him so willingly. Behind that mask, behind the impression he gave to the world, he was delicate and ultimately...adorable. Knowing this only made Greg even more impressed with how powerful he came across to his peers, and to be honest anyone...

Mycroft himself had never thought he could find anyone to open up to. Until Greg, he had disagreed with just about everyone... But Sherlock was right, he did need a goldfish. Greg was more than just a simple goldfish to Mycroft though. He was the man to come home for. So while he fastened his waistcoat and combed his ginger hair, he couldn't help but reminisce the past months...and also remember how it was before...

There was often a night he would sit alone, in silence. He would think about calling his brother but, that would be giving in...wouldn't it? If he wasn't powerful and in control, who was he? So there would be know showing of weakness, like affection, though it broke him to be alone...

Then there was Greg.

His father's words sprinted back and forth in his head that day "Caring is not an advantage, caring is not an advantage" but does that really ring true? He could safely say that when the Detective unexpectedly kissed him he felt he could have toppled a thousand governments. Surely that is an advantage? And though caring may tear apart the giver, the reciever is lifted by it, and surely the sight of this lifts the giver? It certainly made Mycroft happier, knowing that if anything happened to Greg he would be right there to give first class medical service and personally have who, or what caused it destroyed immediately. Maybe caring is an advantage...

The pair had been dating for well over a year, and it had truly been a whirlwind. After only a few weeks of seeing eachother, Mycroft had invited Greg to a conference in Vienna. Even though they barely saw eachother, Greg enjoyed exploring Vienna and seized every opportunity to be the typical tourist, this only made Mycroft love him more when he returned to the hotel with bags full of cheap novelty souvenirs. To put it lightly, they consummated their relationship several times in that bed and the trip holds fond memories for both of them.

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