Melting the Ice Man

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Mycroft Holmes, The British Government, sat in his office with his head in his hands. He couldn't concentrate and he knew very well why. This "Detective Lestrade" fellow had interested him in a way he'd never been before. Mycroft wasn't quite sure wether he should enjoy it or not... Oh this really was...inconvenient. For now he was worried about what would happen to the government if he carried on being only able to search for said detective on the internet and read all those interesting posts about the things the silver fox had achieved. Nothing else interested him, not today.

"I must do something" He said to himself. He had to see Greg again...but there had to be a reason other than curiosity... What if he created a crime? No... That would make him just as bad as Jim Moriarty himself! Perhaps he could inquire after his brother? He did still care about the young Holmes despite all that had happened between them...

"This is...ridiculous...There are much more important things." He kept telling himself.

"Caring is not an advantage..."


The Yard seemed slightly more relaxed on the first day back after the new year. It was time for new beginnings and none knew this more than Detective Lestrade. He hadnt heard from his wife in over a fortnight and Greg could swear there was more money in his account...But how was that possible? The cases where nothing spectacular. Sherlock had been in with John all day, they were finishing off another case case. The pair had gotten considerably closer over Christmas. There had been a lot of hand holding and Greg daren't imagine what else.

Before Sherlock left he snuck into Lestrade's office placed a note on his desk with a phone number scrawled on it and insisted he should call it.

"But, Sherlock I don't understand!"

"You are going to call this man and ask him out on a date, what more is there to understand Graham?"


"They all sound the same..."

"But I don't even know if I like that sort of thing! I was married Sherlock, married to a woman!"

"And that relationship so unfortunately ended" He smiled and spoke to Greg as though he were a child "Now you can start this one!"



Sherlock swept out of the room leaving Greg rather stunned. He sighed and dialled the number...


Mycroft stared at the phone. A number he didn't recognise... Maybe it was a salesperson? Or perhaps it was a threat from a criminal! Mycroft had gotten many of those in the past... A friend? No, Mycroft didn't have friends. Anyway, it would be rude not to answer...


"Good Evening, this is Mycroft Holmes speaking, and who may this be?"


Mycroft perked up upon hearing Greg's voice. It was one he could not forget. "Gregory!" He realised he was sounding slightly too enthusiastic and calmed down. "It's nice to hear from you Detective Lestrade. Is there something you require?"

"Oh no, I don't need anything" What? No one had ever called Mycroft before without asking for something! Well...apart from his mother...

"Oh, Then what is it?"

"I just wondered" Dare he ask? Greg paused to think. There was something about Mycroft Holmes, he felt something for him but was it what Sherlock had suggested? Well there was only one way to find out... "If you'd like to have coffee some time?"

Mycroft hesitated, taking a moment to work out if the things happening were actually real. He was being asked out for coffee...asked out...this was...a date? He was being asked on a date? By an attractive man? Surely not, surely he was thinking too fast, or was he? Nevertheless he could feel his heart beating out of his chest.

"Coffee? With you?"


"Well... I'm not impartial to a cup"

Of all the things to say. Greg let out a small laugh and this was a comfort to the elder Holmes brother.

"Ok then, I'm quite busy week?"

"That sounds perfect Gregory." Mycroft narrowly avoided adding "dear". He really did like this man, yet he knew so little about him. He didn't even know that, despite what he thought, the Detective felt exactly the same about him...


The pair had decided to meet at a quaint little cafe that was tucked away behind the loud and busy streets of London, notably it was Greg's favourite café. Nothing too fancy, but everything equally as delicious, he would argue the tea was the best in Barnet, Mycroft would argue it was hard to find on the map...

Naturally he was overdressed, but the again he always overdressed, however when he found the place and caught sight of Lestrade he'd never felt it more. He looked so perfect in his ragged shirt and ruffled hair, so laid back and open. What if Mycroft were to give the wrong impression?

He pulled himself together both physically and emotionally and stepped inside the cosy café, smells of hot chocolate and cake invaded his senses, god the cake smelled delicious. He pretended not to have seen Greg so as not to seem keen; he remembered reading in one of the many self-help books that seeming keen was a bad thing and needed to be juggled delicately. Unfortunately none of the authors had described how.

"Mycroft! Over here!" Greg smiled and waved "I got us the window seat, hope you don't mind"

"No, not at all, it's lovely" He said as he walked over and sat opposite the Detective. The light from the window was caressing his date so gently, showing every inch of beauty, he could sit here all day "...lovely"

Greg blushed "I've uh...already ordered, I didn't know how long you were gonna be, I can still get you something if you want? Tea? Coffee? Cake?"

"No cake for me, I'm on a strict diet?"

"Oh...are you ill?"

Mycroft couldn't understand the concern on Greg's face.

"No, I am in perfect health, why would you assume otherwise?"

" me you don't look like you need to be on a diet"

That comment really should not have made Mycroft blush as much as it did.

"Really Detective Lestrade, you're too kind"

"Please, call me Greg" he smiled "I'll go order that cake" and winked. Mycroft was sure his heart might explode...or at very least melt and start beating for two

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