Chapter Twenty-One

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"I gotta get this," Liam apologized. He hated that the club was interrupting this moment, but this was his life. Her life now, if she would have it. It was a wakeup call that she would have to face sooner rather than later.

She understood, so she nodded, but damn did she resent that phone. Rolling over, she pulled the covers tightly around her body and listened. He hung up and turned so that he spooned her from behind, nuzzling his lips in the crook of her neck.

"We gotta go," his voice was still deep and slow with the relaxation of their previous activities.

"We?" she asked, closing her eyes. Denise wanted to soak up whatever time she had to enjoy this. It had been so long since she allowed herself to enjoy the closeness of another human being, and she didn't want it to end.

"Meredith is awake and she's not being very forthcoming with the information that we need. Dad seems to think that you may be able to talk to her."

Allowing herself a moment, she snuggled up to him, shivering as his hand gripped her hip and flipped her over. She ran her hands over his chest when he leaned over her, capturing her body with his. Their lips were inches apart, and she wanted to beg him to kiss her again, to let her feel the slow sweep of his lips, slide of his tongue.

"I don't know why he thinks she may talk to me. The last time we said words to each other, she warned me away from y'all."

He grinned before kissing her softly on the lips. "Well, I see the two of you seem to take advice right about the same way. I'm glad you ignored hers."

"Me too," she agreed, even though it was soft and he almost couldn't hear her. She still wasn't exactly sure just what she had gotten herself into.

When they arrived at the hospital, Denise gawked at the number of bikes parked outside. Liam had told her the whole club was on the lookout, but she hadn't thought he truly meant everyone. This group even looked like it included other clubs since she observed colors and patches that weren't familiar to her.

"These aren't all Heaven Hill members are they?"

He shook his head, grabbing her hand as they made their way up to the entrance. "Not all, no. There's about three clubs here that are friendly with us. We don't have enough members to make this large of a showing."

Feeling shy because his club witnessed them walking up together, Denise fell in step behind him, waiting for the ground to eat her up. Her face heated because she was sure everyone could tell just by looking at her what they had been doing.

He refused to let go of her hand, causing her to turn her palm so that she could keep up with him. Approaching the group, Liam called out to his dad.

"Anybody showed up?"

The older man took a drag off the cigarette in his mouth, shaking his head before blowing out a steady stream of smoke. "Nothin'. I figured somebody would at least do a drive by, you know, to see what's going on. If they have, we haven't seen them. Tyler's kept everybody but doctors and nurses out of the reporter's room too, so she should be up for a visitor," he threw a pointed look at Denise.

"I'll do what I can," she promised, tightening her grip on Liam's larger hand that held hers. William scared her – he was so different from his son - she did not want to be on the business end of his fist again.

Liam saw the uncertainty in her eyes as she gazed at his dad. He understood, because sometimes he was just as scared as she appeared to be. Liam pulled her body even with his and put his arm around her neck, tugging her securely to him. "Dad, she's not a miracle worker. Back off."

Meant To Be - Heaven Hill Series #1Where stories live. Discover now