Chapter 31

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September 11/2018

How in the hell is it possible that my baby is already five months old. How? I mean seriously can you tell me how that's possible? Like yeah, obviously I know how its possible it's just that I can't believe it. I really can't. I remember the pain of having him like it was yesterday. Though I Henry promised me he was going to stay little forever but he doesn't seem to be keeping that promise. He's had Daniel's blue eyes since he was born and they haven't changed one bit. But his hair is the same as brown as mine. He wasn't a ball baby thank god, and he's been getting more and more hair as he's gotten older but he defiantly doesn't have a full head of hair yet. My phone randomly buzzed interrupting my thoughts.

Emmett: I'm sure you're still sleeping and I hope you got a good sleep, but I just wanted to say Good Morning, and I'm sorry about having to work all day for the next four days. I really wish we had some time to hang out before school starts. I'll try to see if maybe I can stop by for a just a little bit either tomorrow night or Friday night. Oh and Happy five months to Henry!

Ana: Awe Babe! That made me smile so much!! You need to work I get that don't come over here if you're tired I think I can manage four days without seeing you, it's Henry that's gonna miss you more, jk! Have an awesome day at work, text me when you can.

    Setting my phone down on the bed again I looked over at Henry again. I honestly cannot get enough of looking at this kid. Smiling at Henry who was still fast asleep in his bassinet next to my bed I decided to take a quick snap of hi and pot it to my story with the caption "How are you five months old already??" adding a few heart emoji's I added it my story and sent it to a couple friends then closed Snapchat and threw my phone down on the pillow next to me. I'm not sure how I managed to wake up before Henry today but hey it happened, and I'm not getting out of bed until I absolutely have to.

    Since Henry really seems to be enjoying his sleep this morning I decided to take this chance to actually have a real shower. Setting the baby monitor right next to the bassinet I snuck out of my room and into the bathroom. Starting up the shower I stopped off my pyjamas and climbed into the steaming water. I decided to first load up my hair with Shampoo since it's dirty I have had the chance to wash my hair for two days so it needs a good shampooing. While my hair was soaking I grabbed my razor off its shelf and went to work. Naturally of course just as I was getting relaxed and comfortable with the idea of wasting hours here in the shower I hear the ever familiar sound of Henry letting out his boring cry.

    Finished up in the shower I wrapped my towel around me and headed back to my bedroom. Since Henry was still pretty calm in his bassinet I took this changed to get dressed before going to pick him up. I wasn't planning on going anywhere today or doing anything, so I chose some sweatpant shorts and a maroon t-shirt that Cassidy had given me that said 'Mommin' Ain't Easy' on the front. Once I was dressed I slipped on my slippers and went over to pick Henry up out of his bassinet.

"Good Morning Henry"


"Did you sleep well?"


"Ahh, I see good to know, good to know. Should we go get changed and dressed for the day or have some breakfast first?"


"Breakfast it is then"

    Walking across to the nursery I grabbed the Boppy pillow off the rocking chair and sat down. Getting all situated and comfortable Henry latch don like a prop and started drinking. I still have a love-hate relationship with this whole breastfeeding thing. I mean I like it because I know its good for Henry and its good for me, and I mean it's way cheaper than having to buy formula, and it takes less time to prepare since all I need to do is whip out a boob and Ta-Da! But still, some days I wish I could just put a bottle in Henry's mouth and go on about my day cleaning or cooking or something while he ate.

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