Chapter Thirty-Nine

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“…But if we never meet again and this is truly goodbye, I know we will see each other again in another life. We will find each other again and maybe the stars will have changed, and we will not only love each other in that time but for all the times we had before.” –Unknown

Chapter Thirty-Nine
In Another Life
Lieutenant Colonel Cameron Mitchell walked into his apartment building. He went to the mailboxes. Cameron saw a young woman with dark brown hair pulled up into a ponytail wearing dark blue scrubs was putting a key into her own mailbox. Cameron had just come to live in Colorado Springs. He had just started working at the SGC. He had just got back from a particularly tiring mission. It was midnight and he was ready to sleep. He walked up next to the dark haired woman and put his key into his mailbox.
Cameron looked exhausted. “Long day?” The woman asked. Cameron looked at her. “Oh yeah.” He replied. The woman smiled. “I feel for ya. I’m an ER doctor at the hospital. I know what long days feel like.” She replied. Cameron smiled at her. “I’m Katelyn by the way.” She smiled. Cameron liked her smile. “I’m Cameron.” He smiled back despite himself. Katelyn had gotten her mail and was closing her mailbox. She smiled once more at him. “I’ll see you around Cameron.” She said before she left to the elevator.
Cameron looked at her departing figure. He liked Colorado Springs so far. He smiled to himself as he finished getting his mail out. When he closed his box, he walked to the elevator.  Katelyn had already gone up, so Cameron waited for the elevator to come back down. When it did, he rode to his floor and walked to his apartment. He fell asleep the moment he hit his bed.
The next day after Cameron got home from work, he found Katelyn in the elevator this time. “Not so bad today?” She asked. Cameron smiled. “Nothing too life changing happened today.” Katelyn smiled. “What is it you do on that base, Cameron?” She asked. Cameron faked sternness. “That’s classified, Ma’am.” Katelyn laughed. Cameron’s sternness didn’t last and he was laughing too. When the elevator came to a stop on the third floor Katelyn stood straight. “Well, this is my floor.” She said as the metal doors opened.
She was about to walk out when Cameron stopped her. “Katelyn.” He said. Katelyn smiled as she stopped. She turned around and looked at Cameron. “I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime.” Cameron asked. Katelyn smiled. “Sure.” Cameron smiled. “Great, see you around then.” He said. Katelyn nodded then continued walking down the hall. The elevator doors shut and Cameron smiled at the thought of Katelyn. She had said yes. He was happy. It would be his first date since moving to Colorado Springs.
When he got home the next day, he walked to the hospital. Katelyn was in the lobby when he walked in. When she saw Cameron, she smiled. “Hey.” She waved him over. Cameron smiled and walked to her. “I was wondering if tonight was a good night for that date?” Cameron said. Katelyn smiled. “I get off in ten minutes.” She said. Cameron smiled. “Alright, I’ll see you in about a half an hour then.” He said. Katelyn nodded. “See ya.”
Cameron drove home and quickly jumped into the shower. When he got out, he put gel in his hair and put on a white undershirt. He wore some dark jeans and a nice button up shirt. Cameron walked out of his apartment and to Katelyn’s when he was finished getting ready. He grabbed his brown leather jacket as he walked out the door. He stopped at Katelyn’s apartment and knocked on the door. When Katelyn answered, she had on a nice white dress. Her hair was simply curled and was pulled halfway up. She was putting her earrings in as she answered.
When she saw Cameron, she smiled. Cameron smiled back. “Ready to go?” He asked. Katelyn smiled again and nodded. She grabbed a sweater then locked her door. They began walking to the elevator. When they got to the parking lot, Cameron led Katelyn to the passenger’s side of his black car.
He opened the door for her and she got in. Cameron ran to the driver’s side and got in. He started the car and drove to a nice restaurant a friend of his, named Daniel, suggested. The valet took their car then the host sat at a booth fit for two people on a romantic date. A waiter came by and asked what they would like to drink. The waiter left and Katelyn and Cameron looked through the menu. They ordered their food and twenty minutes later, it came. Cameron and Katelyn talked about many things. “So, what brought you to Colorado Springs?” Cameron asked. Katelyn smiled.  “Well, I lived in L.A. for a little while, but when I had a little trouble with a boyfriend there, I wanted to get away. My dad was working at the base here. He let me stay with him for a while until I eventually got my own place. What about you?” Katelyn replied. “After I crashed test flying a plane, I was given the choice of any assignment I wanted. I chose to come here and work on the base with the best. I just got here and I already love the job. It has its ups and downs, but it’s an amazing job.” Cameron said.
“And you really can’t tell me what you do.” Katelyn asked. Cameron smiled and looked down. “No, I wasn’t joking when I said it was classified.” Cameron replied. “No worries. I grew up with that.” Katelyn said. Cameron could only imagine. After they were finished eating, they walked to the dance floor and danced to a slow song. When they finished dancing, Cameron took Katelyn home. She stood by her door. “I had a really nice time tonight, Cameron.”  Cameron smiled at her. “Me too. We should do it again sometime.” He replied. Katelyn nodded. “Sure.” She said. Katelyn kissed Cameron on the cheek before going into her apartment. Cameron stood at her door for a minute smiling to himself before going to the elevator. When he went to work the next morning, he told Daniel, Sam, Vala, and Teal’c of Katelyn.
They all decided they wanted to meet the girl who was making their leader head over heels. When Cameron went home that night, he told Katelyn of his team’s intentions and she agreed. A date was set where Katelyn would meet Cameron’s team. It would take place the following weekend. Katelyn found herself growing anxious as the date with Cameron’s friends neared. Katelyn and Cameron hung out that whole week. The more they got to know each other, the more the feelings strengthened. They had a lot of fun together and Cameron told her all about his friends. She couldn’t wait to meet them even though she was nervous. Soon the weekend came. Katelyn had just gotten off work and she was heading home. In the car, all she thought about was whether Cameron’s friends would like her. She wanted to fit in.
Katelyn may not have known what Cameron and his team did, but she knew it was dangerous and she knew that people were close with their teams because of the risk. They were like a family and Katelyn wanted to be liked by Cameron’s family. When she got home, she quickly showered and dressed in a black dress. Cameron knocked on her door at exactly the time he said he would. She opened the door more nervous than the last time. One thing Katelyn knew for sure, she really liked Cameron. She knew she had never felt this way about anyone before. This was definitely something different. Cameron drove to a restaurant where he said the rest of the team was going to meet them. Katelyn nodded and Cameron got a table for six. With time people came. First was Sam.
She was wearing a nice red dress and her hair was curled a little. Katelyn smiled when she saw Sam. “Hi, I’m Katelyn Warner. It’s great to finally meet you. Cameron talks about you all so much.” Katelyn said. Sam smiled. “I’m Samantha Carter, but you can call me Sam.” She turned to Cameron. “Teal’c was with me. He’s in the bathroom at the moment. He should be here soon.” Sam said. Cameron smiled and nodded. A tall, muscled black man in a nice suit came walked to the table not long after. “You must be Teal’c.” Katelyn said. “I’m Katelyn Warner.” She smiled. Teal’c slightly bowed his head. “I am Teal’c. It is an honor to meet you Katelyn Warner.” He said in a deep voice.
Not long after that, Vala and Daniel arrived. As Katelyn stood up Vala gave her a hug. “Hi, I’m Vala Mal Doran. It’s great to meet you Katelyn. Cameron talks about you all the time. I’ve been dying to meet the woman making him so adolescent.” Vala smiled widely. “It’s great to meet you too Vala. Cameron tells me a lot about you.” She smiled. Vala eyed Cameron. “He does, does he?” Vala said winking. When Vala sat down Daniel introduced himself. “Hello Katelyn, I’m Daniel Jackson.” Katelyn smiled. “Hi. It’s great to meet you all. I’ve been waiting for this anxiously.” She smiled again and they all took their seats. Not long after, the server came and took their orders.
They all spoke about many things. A lot of time, they laughed at simple things and joked. They sometimes talked about hardships, but it was always smoothed over with a more dinner appropriate conversation. Daniel, Teal’c, and Vala treated Katelyn as if she was apart of their team. They took no notice to the fact that they had only met her that night. Katelyn was included and told stories. All too soon, the night ended. Katelyn said her goodbyes to Cameron’s friends. Cameron took her home and they spent some more time in Katelyn’s apartment. They talked and joked much like they had at the restaurant. “They like you.” Cameron said. “You’re sure?” Katelyn asked. “I’m positive.” Cameron smiled. Cameron eventually went home and Katelyn fell asleep that night feeling as though she overcame a huge feat that day.
Months went by and Cameron and Katelyn’s relationship grew. They had admitted their love for each other. Katelyn and Daniel, Vala, Teal’c, and Sam became better friends.  Katelyn was happy, that was until she began talking to her friend, Kaycee, about Cameron. “Katelyn I love you and I’m just trying to protect you so when I ask this it’s for you, how are you going to have a life with Cameron?” Katelyn hadn’t wanted to think about it. She knew Cameron wasn’t home a lot and sometimes he couldn’t call. Sure, they could get married, but how could they have kids? Katelyn knew Kaycee was right and decided to break up with Cameron. She didn’t really want to, but she knew she couldn’t have the life she wanted with him.
“Cameron?” Katelyn asked one night as they were sitting together on the couch.
“Yeah?” He asked. “We need to talk.” Katelyn replied. “About what?” He asked. “Us.” Katelyn said. Cameron looked at her expecting the worse. “I’ve been thinking about what I want in life. I want to get married and I want to have kids.” She said. Cameron nodded. “Okay, let’s do it.” He said desperate to keep his love. Katelyn shook her head. “You know it’s not that simple. As much as I would like to say yes, it won’t work. We could get married, but you have a dangerous job and you’re never home.” Cameron looked down. “That’s not my fault.” Katelyn shook her head. “No, I know that. I could never ask you to give up your job. You’re doing something good, I know you are, but I can’t have kids with a man that’s never home. I want my kids to know their father better than I knew mine. I never know if you’re going to come home hurt and you could die. Cameron I love you, you know I do, but I have to think about what’s right for me and I know I can’t have the life I want with you no matter how much I wish I could.”
Cameron looked hurt. “I love you too Katelyn. I always will.” Katelyn smiled. “I know. Me too.” She said. Cameron got up after giving her a final kiss and left the apartment. That night Katelyn cried herself to sleep wondering if she really had done the right thing for herself.
On another planet somewhere in the galaxy, Cameron woke up in a pod of glass. He had just had the worst dream in his life. He looked across the room to see Katelyn still unconscious in a pod identical to his. He struggled to get out and when he did, he staggered across the room to get Katelyn out of the other pod. The minute he opened the pod Sam, Daniel, Vala, and Teal’c fell into the room. “Are you guys okay?” She asked. “I-I don’t know.” Cameron replied. “You’ve been gone for days. We couldn’t find you guys.” Vala stated. Cameron held up Katelyn who was still unconscious. Cameron and Katelyn were brought back to the SGC and emitted into the infirmary. Katelyn woke up within a few hours. “Cameron?” She asked. “Yeah, I’m here.” Katelyn sighed, relieved. 
“I had the worst dream. I wasn’t in the Stargate Program and we started dating, but we broke up and went our separate ways.” Katelyn said. Cameron looked down. “I know; it wasn’t a dream though.” He said.
Katelyn was suddenly alarmed. “It really happened?” She asked. “Yeah, in an alternate reality. The devices we were in were designed to show us our lives in various different realities. I guess we saw one that didn’t end as well as getting married and having kids.” Cameron said. Katelyn didn’t say anything for a minute. “I’m glad to be in this reality then.” She said. Cameron smiled. “Me too. I love you Katelyn.” Katelyn smiled. “I love you too.”
Katelyn couldn’t imagine a place in any reality or universe where she wasn’t with Cameron. He was her soul mate and when you meet someone like that, its like the planets align and everything is right in the world. Even if everything isn’t right with the world in the general sense, in your own personal bubble of the world, everything is perfect and you couldn’t ask for anything more or less than what you have. That’s how Katelyn felt and she wouldn’t risk losing Cameron, or anyone she loved for that matter, for anything. “Katelyn?” Cameron asked. Katelyn looked up at him lazily from the hospital bed.
“Do you know the first time I suspected you were my soul mate, the first time I knew I wanted to be with you and would do everything in my power to make it that way?” Cameron asked. Katelyn blinked and shook her head. “You know how they saw when you’re practically at death’s door, your life flashes before your eyes?” Katelyn nodded.
“Well that’s true, but you also see the people you love most, even if your mind doesn’t know you love them, your heart never lies. So when my plane was crashing, my life flashed before my eyes and I saw everything and I saw my parents, but the last thing I saw was you. A single image of you smiling should have been the last thing I ever saw and for a long time, I thought it was going to be. At the time, I didn’t think too much of it, but you were the last thing I saw before I almost died, but you were also the first person I saw when I woke up and I knew, if not right away, that you were the one person I truly loved and I would do everything in my power to make you mine.” Cameron finished.
Katelyn had tears in her eyes. “You never told me that before. Why now?” She asked. “Even if it wasn’t real, being in a world where I didn’t have you was the worst feeling I have ever felt, but I wanted you to know that as long as you want me, there will never be a world where you don’t have me because, the moment I was going down was the moment I devoted myself fully to you.” Katelyn smiled. “I love you so much.”

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