Jonas' Date

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One very regular afternoon, months after Jonas joined the team, SG-1 was sitting around on base with no missions to go on. Jonas went to go visit Katelyn in her office.

"Hey Jonas, what's up?" Katelyn asked with a smile as she looked up from what she was doing.

"Hey, I've been reading about this Earth event called a date. It generally consists of dinner and a movie. I was wondering if you would like to accompany me on one of these dates," Jonas asked in an excited tone. Katelyn couldn't help but smile at his tone.

"Sure Jonas. A date sounds like fun," Katelyn replied. Jonas' smile widened.

"Great. When would be a good day for you?"

"Today would be perfect. Neither of us has anything to do here on base. So wear something nice and I'll be back to pick you up at six if that's a good time for you."

"I'll see you at six then," Jonas said with a smile and left her office whistling a happy tune. Katelyn smiled and shook her head at Jonas' enthusiasm. She continued with what she was working on when she was bombarded with a particular memory of Daniel.

Daniel and she were at dinner at a nice restaurant as nothing but friends. They sat at the table drinking somewhat expensive wine and having a great time. After dinner, they went back to Daniel's house. It was her first time ever going there. When she walked into his house, she noticed it looked much like his office did with the various artifacts from his digs and other planets. Katelyn laughed when she saw everything. He had many things from Egypt including tons of books lining his bookshelves. Daniel smiled at her obvious amazement.

"Daniel, you must be the luckiest archaeologist alive," Katelyn said looking at something she knew he got off-world. Daniel smiled.

"Why do you say that?" he asked.

"Well first everybody thought you were crazy but you got the chance to prove you were right and now you not only have cultures from Earth to study, but the cultures of every planet we visit. It must be fascinating for you," Katelyn explained. Daniel laughed.

"I guess you're right," Daniel said as he led Katelyn to a couch in his living room.

"Would you like something to drink?" Daniel asked as any polite host would. Katelyn smiled.


Daniel left to get her something to drink. When he came back, he sat down beside Katelyn.

"Daniel, could you teach me how to read Goa'uld?" Katelyn asked. Daniel was stunned by Katelyn's request.

"Uh, sure," he replied with a smile.

Daniel led Katelyn to his bedroom where he kept his references and pictures. He got them down from his bookshelf while Katelyn sat down on Daniel's bed. He sat down next to her and began explaining the different symbols of the language.

Over the hours they ended up lying on the bed, their heads were lying against the headboard. They were still talking about the language when it got late and they both fell asleep. The next morning they woke up surprised by what happened, but since then, Katelyn regularly spent the night when Daniel would teach her more of the Goa'uld language.

Katelyn went to the locker room to change back into her street clothes. She stopped by Jonas' office, which was Daniel's old one. Every time she stopped there, it looks less like Daniel's. Jonas was way more organized than Daniel had been. It made Katelyn's heart take a mini plunge.

"Hey, I'll be back at six. See you then," Katelyn said. Jonas smile when he looked up.

"Okay, I'll see you later."

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