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~Every man's memory is his private literature~

-Aldous Huxley

Not long after Earth was hit with the Ori plague did SG-1 visit a planet where they met the local people called Galarans.

The Galarans had created a technology known as a memory-grafting device, which they had adapted from a Goa'uld memory device. It could implant memories so well that they almost look exactly like genuine memories.

SG-1 watched as their commander underwent his first dose of the memory device. The Galarans were eager to trade this technology in exchange for the hyperdrive technology Earth possessed.

SG-1 was invited to a party to celebrate their newly found friendship. Cameron and Katelyn stood with Teal'c, Sam, and Daniel drinking something by the pool.

"Would you like to dance?" Cameron asked Katelyn. Katelyn smiled.

"Of course."

They danced to one of the songs, all the while Dr. Reya Varrick watched. When the dance was finished and Katelyn rejoined Daniel, she hoped that maybe Cameron was as interested in her as she was in him.

Cameron noticed Dr. Varrick staring at him from across the pool and walked up to her. She told him that she was recently told her project was being taken away from her and given to the military. She was very upset about the whole thing. Dr. Varrick asked Cameron to walk to her home and he obliged happily.

Katelyn saw this and just about cried. She knew it never meant well when a man walked a woman home at night. Katelyn wandered off on her own when Daniel came from behind her.

"Are you okay?" Daniel asked. Katelyn didn't face him, as she didn't want him to see the tears.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she didn't sound very convincing.

"Are you sure?"

Katelyn didn't move or say anything. She merely nodded. Daniel turned her around so he could see her tear stricken face. Daniel knew what was wrong with her. He hugged her tightly trying his best to comfort her.

Meanwhile, Cameron and Dr. Varrick had arrived at her home. She invited him in and they had some drinks. Dr. Varrick kissed Cameron. He pulled back.

"I'm sorry. I can't do this," Cameron said gently. Dr. Varrick looked at the ground.

"There's someone else isn't there?" she asked. Cameron smiled at the thought.

"Yeah, maybe," Cameron replied. Dr. Varrick looked into his eyes.

"Is it Dr. Warner?"

Cameron didn't have to say anything for Dr. Varrick to know she was right.

"Well, she's a lucky woman to have the heart of a man like you."

"I feel like I'm the lucky one," Cameron replied. Cameron got up to leave and Dr. Varrick was showing him out when her screams filled the room.

The next morning Cameron woke up in Dr. Varrick's living room. He had a killer headache and his hands had dried blood on them. Before he could do anything, handcuffs of a sort were put around his wrists.

Katelyn, Daniel, Sam, and Teal'c looked into the cell, which Cameron was occupying.

"You're being convicted of murder!" Katelyn nearly yelled. "They must be wrong!"

Katelyn was sure Cameron wouldn't murder someone at all and especially not for absolutely no reason. Katelyn was convinced that the Galarans were mistaken.

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